Peter Pan Syndrome: People Who Never Grow Up

Peter Pan Syndrome: People who never grow up

Not surprisingly, a man like JM Barrie whose lifestyle was “two years is the beginning of the end” put the words “why can’t you always be the same as now!” into the mouth of one of his characters (Mrs. Darling).

Interestingly, there may well be people who always remain the same as children. However, this is complicated. In fact, people who choose not to mature, or at least try to be it, end up getting sick. It actually has a name for it: Peter Pan Syndrome. It’s not as nice as it might seem at first. Let’s see what it’s all about.

What is Peter Pan Syndrome?

It can be fun to have time with an adult who behaves like a child. But you can get tired of it. This is not only because we have to endure their jokes, but a person with Peter Pan syndrome does not want to grow up and mature, and they will never get past that self-centered, narcissistic, immature stage of childhood.

in an adult man, Peter Pan syndrome

But there is more to it. These people work hard to avoid responsibility. They are also afraid of commitment like the plague. They misunderstand what freedom is, thinking that everything that involves responsibility or commitment is against freedom.

Such individuals have begun to proliferate rapidly in today’s world. Advertising glorifies eternal youth and hedonism, job opportunities are scarce, and people depend financially on their parents for longer. Thus, more Peter Pan syndrome occurs. Interestingly, men suffer more from it than women.

How can I identify Peter Pan?

Let’s look at the aspects that can give a hint of a possible Peter Pan.

Commitment to Commitment

As we mentioned above, such a person has a terrible fear of engagement. However, this does not necessarily mean that he does not want a relationship. It is entirely possible that he is in a relationship, but there will come a time when he does not want the relationship to progress.

This dread of commitment means that she avoids marriage, buying a common house, or engaging in other things that could strengthen the relationship but take away her “freedom”.

Shadow of Peter Pan

They are manipulators

At first, such a person seems charming. But beneath this fun and intelligent outer shell lies a manipulative person with a tremendous fear of change.

It’s not uncommon for a Peter Pan person to say things like “I’m just not a workaholic,” trying to justify their inability to keep a job or get a promotion.

Thoughtful… towards themselves

This, too, is typical of Peter Panes. It is true that they are thinking people, but usually only towards themselves. Imagine such a person giving someone a gift. It is something that they themselves like and that they themselves can benefit from.

The gift is probably not something the recipient would care about very much. This is often the plot by which the giver of the gift gets the gift back for himself to enjoy.

the couple argues on the couch

They are volatile…

Another characteristic of these people is that they are usually very volatile. They get attached to their stuff for a moment, but when they find something better, they throw the first thing away and get hooked on their new “toy”.

For example, one day they may show up in a sports car they dream of as children. But the next day it could be replaced by a motorcycle, which “by chance” was also their childhood dream.

Do you know anyone Peter Pan? The truth is, they are not hard to find. If so, professional help could be in place for him.

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