Physical Signs Telling Someone To Lie To You

Physical signs that tell someone to lie to you

You must have more than once suspected someone of  lying to you. This happens much more often than we would like. The problem is that we don’t always know if a lie is real or not, and it creates uncertainty.

For this reason, we would like to talk about the physical signs that are communicating to someone lying to you. The human body is designed to show what it thinks.  So lying also produces special signs in your body, and now we will describe those signs to you. By learning them, you avoid the nasty surprises brought by liars.

Constant variation of head position

The first sign of lying is the constant variation in the position of the head. This often happens especially when a liar has to answer questions that force him to lie.

The change comes from the need for our brains to use both halves of their lies. It helps to formulate an answer that seems to be based on known facts.


In addition, the lying person tries to avoid eye contact. Avoiding eye contact is an involuntary action and is very difficult to control. It often happens when a liar wants to avoid you seeing a lie and shame behind his eyes.

Changes in respiratory rhythm

When you suspect someone is lying to you, analyze whether the person has changed their breathing. They may breathe faster or slower than usual. You may see changes such as redness of the skin on the neck and face.

It is also evident that the nostrils open faster and wider. You can verify a lie by asking difficult questions and seeing the changes in breath caused by the answers. Other physical changes, such as excessive head movement, may also be included in the assessment.

Covering the body with the arms

It is obvious to a lying person to try to protect his body. This comes from a very primitive instinct and involves putting your hands in a gust of wind. You get the impression of the boundary that runs between you and another person.

Sometimes you may feel attacked at any moment. In this case, your mind feels the need to show safety.

Repeating words and sentences

Another of the physical signs of a liar is the repetition of the same words and phrases. Unlike a truthful person, a liar has often practiced his script. Therefore, they repeat what they said.

This is different when you ask something and another person describes it to you. In this case, he will tell you the same thing in different words.

When a person is lying, he wants to avoid your doubts. To achieve this, he has learned the script and does not confuse or change his message. A clear script makes you feel safe and secure.

Covering the mouth

A very clear sign of lying is covering your mouth. A lying person can cover his mouth with his hand or turn his face while talking. Unconsciously, the liar tries to set the barrier between you and the lies.

If a person covers their mouth with their hand while speaking or answering a question, it is possible that they are lying to you. Listen carefully to his words. It is also necessary to focus on other signs if the person covers his mouth only after specific questions.

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Leg movement

You should not just observe the hands, mouth or nose of a lying person. Also watch their feet and the way they stand. A person who tries to lie is constantly changing the position of his legs.

First they put their weight on one leg, then on the other. There are only a few seconds in between. When sitting, the legs of a lying person may also begin to move out of control. However, make sure it is a lie and not a habit.

What to do if someone is lying to you?

If you think you’re being lied to, you have two options. The first is to keep listening and do nothing to avoid conflicts. Another option is to face the person directly.

We encourage you to consider the best solution through both the seriousness of the lie and the importance of the lying person.

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