Pregnancy: Loving Someone You Don’t Know Yet

Pregnancy: Loving someone you don’t yet know

The pregnancy lasts nine months. The umbilical cord connects two hearts, two worlds where everything awesome and at the same time unknown happens. Believe it or not, our feelings too can cross the barrier to caress our child.

It’s interesting how families take care of buying a crib, clothes, and a mother’s healthy enough diet during pregnancy. But what if you experience  stress ? … According to many researchers,  we tend to neglect the emotional world of the mother, which affects the developing fetus.

Pregnancy is a mystery and hope: it is the love of someone whose face we do not yet know. It is the imagination of laughter and hair color, as well as the sincere affection we send through our mother’s skin.

Vivette Glover, a specialist in hereditary psychobiology at Imperial College London, has a very interesting and important theory that we want to share with you. Glover is known as a pioneer in “uterine mental training”.

pregnant woman

The importance of our emotions during pregnancy

Until recently, it has been thought that the emotional world of the mother does not affect the development of the fetus. However, the information is incorrect. For example, studies published on the New Parents Support  website show that the “magic intrauterine package” is very receptive to emotions, especially during the fourth month.

The beauty of pregnancy is often appreciated by the media, society and family. However, it is important to be able to connect body and mind with the baby, although it is rarely taught. Emotions always affect a child’s development.

When emotions cross the placenta

Vivette Glover herself, as well as Gestalt therapy experts, have emphasized the importance of more comprehensive maternal care. Ultrasound and blood tests are not enough. It is also necessary to take care of the mental state.

Glover conducted a study with 14,000 pregnant women that measured anxiety and stress in expectant mothers. Follow-up lasted five years so that the children’s growth and maturation could be properly seen.

It was found that children whose mothers experienced a lot of stress had a double risk of being diagnosed with hyperactivity. When the mother is in a stressful state, the hypothalamus releases a  hormone called CRH, which in turn causes cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands.

The placenta acts as a filter, and cortisol, which is found to be “poisonous,” usually does not exceed it. If CRH levels are very high, they cross the placenta, acting directly on the fetus and setting a “warning state”.

mother-fetal relationship

Psychiatric training of the uterus

You don’t even know your child yet, but you already see the world differently and you have made your weaknesses your strengths. It is worth noting that the child’s education starts from the time already spent in the womb – a place where they feel comfortable but not isolated. Not only do they react well to the outside, they also react to what happens inside.

Therefore, it is important that every mother and parent is aware of these factors:

  • Reforming Concepts: You’ve probably heard the saying often said “a child is most important, all sacrifices are worth it.” The baby is important, but we must also take care of our body and the heart that gives life: the mother.
  • Every pregnant mother lives in a certain way: there are women who did not expect to become pregnant, others face pregnancy after suffering a previous abortion. It is necessary to pay attention to each case, to be aware of our reality and to face it honestly and with adequate support.
  • Slow down, put yourself first, surround yourself with positive energy: change your days and focus on the present, improve your connection with your partner, fill yourself with excitement and face your body normally.
  • Try new therapies: Today, pregnant women can choose from a wide variety of mental training workshops. Mindfulness, yoga, abdominal rubbing and music can also benefit both mother and fetus.

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