Relationship Framework Theory And Human Behavior

According to relational framework theory, certain properties of language can cause and increase suffering. One of these is when we literally believe what our thoughts and feelings tell us, and act according to where they guide us.
Relationship theory and human behavior

Relationship Framework Theory (RFT) is a theory of language and cognition that serves as an experimental basis for acceptance and dedication therapy (ACT). From the perspective of relationship therapy, behavior and language are themselves related to each other.

This structure provides a functional explanation for the findings derived from cognitive studies of language. It also provides a basis for learning phenomena in a monistic way. It is a theory that studies the so-called “Mental processes” in an operational and experimental way.

Relationship theory: concepts and properties

To understand what relational framework theory is,  we need to understand that people don’t just learn from direct experiences. People also learn indirectly, treating stimuli separately from their physical characteristics. It is this added linguistic value of the stimulus that conditioned our ability to control human relationships and activities.

Properties of relational framework theory

There are three features for combining and changing cognition and language:

  • A shared commitment. The relationship between two stimuli involves reacting to the other, under the terms of the other stimulus, and vice versa. If at a given moment A is in direct contact with B, there is a derivative relationship between them.
  • Combined commitment. One of the defining features of relational framework theory is the ability to combine events. If A has a relationship to B and C, then B and C are also relative to each other.
  • Transformation of activities. If a stimulus has a function, and the second stimulus creates a relationship with the first in this context, their relationship changes the functions of both. For example, if someone tells you that there is a cheaper and better product than what you normally use, your chances of buying that product will increase. Its function is altered by the created relationship.

Types of contextual clues in relational framework theory

Common bonds, numerous combinations of bonds, and changes in functions are components of a broader model of relational framework theory. Relationship frame theory calls these relative frames. Experts use this term to explain how we learn to make associations based on how stimuli relate to each other.

Relative frameworks can be combined to create verbal rules that guide behavior. This process allows people to organize, predict, and control how coincidences are achieved in relation to context. In this way, we can anticipate future situations without experiencing them.

Contextual keys of relational framework theory

Each learning context presents numerous stimuli that have the potential to achieve the value of the keys that guide the development of the relative framework. Relationship framework theory distinguishes two subtypes from contextual keys:

  • Those that control a specified relationship type  ( Crel ). The most significant types are coordination, opposition, difference, comparison, spatial, temporal, causal, hierarchical, and deictic.
  • Every stimulus or event can have numerous psychological functions. For this reason, second-class contextual hints ( Cfunc)  distinguish which stimulus functions are transformed. (Torneke, 2010)

An explanation for human suffering

From this theoretical structure, it can be concluded that some features of language make psychological suffering more common. One of them is the ability to literally believe what our thoughts, feelings, and sensations tell us, and then we act on how they guide us. 

Thus, if a person thus believes that he or she is “useless” and not “worth anything,” such thoughts significantly limit his or her attitude. We can see how many people let go of their goals because they never believe they will achieve them. 

Types of Verbal Rules in Relationship Framework Theory

Relationship theory is immersed deeper into this. It has explained the primary types of verbal regulation (Luciano and Wilson, 2002):

Granting rules

In such rules, the consequences are achieved by consent. The person who created the rules applies the consequences. This is a behavior that has broadly determined what the cultural context determines to be appropriate. For example, a mother may say, “if you don’t eat your food, you’ll get punished”.

Monitoring rules

This is a verbally regulated behavior that directs a person to reach a certain reinforcing stimulus in a particular context. These are directly related to the consequences that the behavior produces. For example, “if you eat, you’re not hungry and you’re feeling better”. In this case, of course, the consequence depends on the nature of the food. This is therefore independent of the person who prescribed the rule.

Additional rules

This is a change in functions that decides whether a  verbal stimulus, object, or event needs a confirmatory or disgusting value. It is important to note that they always work together with the granting and monitoring of rules.

Addition is a verbal rule that changes the reinforcing properties of the resulting stimulus. In other words, it increases or decreases the likelihood that such a stimulus will affect our behavior. 

For example: you walk past an ice cream parlor with your friends and one of your friends says, “oh, I would like ice cream right now!” When you hear this, you may already feel some taste of ice cream in your mouth. This increases the likelihood that you will buy ice cream yourself.

Behaviors defined by verbal rules

Verbal regulations allow us to control our behavior, depending on the social context. But they can have the opposite effect:

  • The rigid control of the rules of concession  means that the individual is insensitive to the consequences of his actions in a social context. An example of this is: “you have to suffer a lot to be a good mother”. The rigidity of this statement would therefore limit the mother from defending her fundamental rights.
  • Monitoring rules  define behavior that is guided to  achieve short-term benefits. However, this often limits the formation of proper behavior, which in turn would promote personal development. An example of this is that someone thinks he or she needs to use drugs in order to calm down, but he or she does not think about the long-term effects of such activity.
  • Additional rules  work in conjunction with rigid or negative monitoring of the rules. They can specify insensitive activities for personal circumstances,  e.g., “worrying makes life impossible” or desire-related activities for constant and unattainable emotional states, such as “if you are happy, you are healthy”.
Relationship theory and human behavior.

Contributions and benefits of relational framework theory

Relationship theory has led to the development of an analytical system that offers many benefits:

  • It is an approach based on a relatively small number of basic principles and concepts to explain the phenomena of language and cognition.
  • It allows us to study human language in  relation to the processes that shape it and whose definitions are precisely defined.
  • Its potential is vast,  and it offers credible explanations  and new empirical approaches to many complex human behaviors.

These principles are available for direct monitoring, especially in laboratory facilities. Experts have applied this in many empirical experiments, and it has passed them all. Clinical applications have proven to be effective, and many potential applications are still under development.

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