Secret Memories Can Be Found In The Corners Of The Soul

There are secret memories in the corners of the soul

There are memories that occasionally return to our minds like little treasures. We can find such a memory in our caches; from a piece of paper, a cardboard box, or around the corner. We may find a photograph in which we look younger than we ever remembered, or a yellowed letter from an old loved one. When we find our memories of youth… things that we have left behind and forgotten, but that still live in our memories. It’s bittersweet.

Big mistakes leave big memories…

-Danns Vega-

I hope you get as excited about memories as I do. From the memories we all have and that appear in our minds from time to time, making us cry or laugh.

The rose we kept between the pages of the book reminds us of a long time ago when we experienced our innocent first love. A recipe book from our grandmother who made the book so carefully for us. A diary whose existence we have completely forgotten, and which brings to our minds so many old memories, both good and bad.

I remember how I once found my grandfather’s diary. One that he started with a frenzy, but that he couldn’t write until the end. Life is a bit similar. I never knew my grandfather, so those words in the book meant both a beginning and an end to me.

As I began to read his writings, I sat quietly for a moment, as in the movies, for emotions had taken over me and I felt as if I had traveled back in time. One way or another, I finally met my grandfather, the old man who recounted his childhood and told stories of the adventures of his sons in exactly the same way and in exactly the same words as his Beloved life partner, my grandmother, had told me before.

At that moment, my grandfather’s words were so powerful that I felt closer to him, even though I never knew him. At that moment, it felt like he wanted even his youngest grandchildren to know his grandfather, whom they never had a chance to meet.

His story was so beautiful that I lost track of time and just kept reading. I read about his commercials at school and his relationships with the people he loved… until his words faded…

That’s when I realized he had left us too early. Although I never got to listen to the stories of my grandfather sitting on his knee, his words left an indelible impression that afternoon änä the afternoon of memories.

“One would think that time and distance killed them.
But round-trip tickets were sold for that train.

Little things took us to rosy times. Small things in corners, on sticky notes or in boxes.

Just like a thief lurking behind a door,
They hold you in their grip,
like a fallen leaf that the wind ripples here and there;
they will smile on you sadly
and make you cry when no one is looking. ”

-Joan Manuel Serrat-

Have you ever experienced the awesome power of memories that “makes us cry when no one is looking”?

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