Setting Boundaries During Quarantine Is Important For Health

Even if we spend all day at home during quarantine, that doesn’t mean we are always available and available to others. Setting boundaries is important during quarantine. We need time to break away from messaging and video calling as well as working from home.
Setting boundaries during quarantine is important for health

Teleworking takes an average of 10 hours a day for people. We use communications and video calling services more than ever. However, for the sake of our health, we must not be available to others at all times, so setting boundaries is an absolute measure for everyone.

Jane Wilde Hawking, ex-wife of Stephen Hawking, wrote in her book “Traveling to Infinity: My Life With Stephen” how the only really significant thing is securing our own survival. So we can definitely apply this sentence to the current situation.

However, we also have a duty to safeguard another valuable thing in home survival capsules, namely our well-being.

We have experienced and learned many different things during these mandatory quarantine weeks. Everyone continues to deal with the situation as well as possible and with varying results.

Other people reunite with themselves through a much more relaxed, intimate, and slower life. Others, in turn, suffer from anxiety.

Depending on everyone’s personal situation,  there will come a time when setting up r is important in one or more areas of life. Let’s look at them a little more now.

Setting boundaries is also important during quarantine.

Setting boundaries during quarantine is good for health

It is clear that being confident and setting boundaries in certain situations in life guarantees peace and spiritual balance. However, we would never have thought that we should set limits even during the current quarantine. This is actually really weird.

Being isolated for most of the day, we assumed we would enjoy contact with loved ones through video calls and messages. We believed that telecommuting would mean a better quality of life, as we would be able to decide on our own schedule and balance our family life accordingly.

However, we found that daily life at home is not easy either. This puts us in a situation where we need to start calibrating things differently.

Teleworking and online learning need to be further improved

Telecommunications companies report that contact time is at its peak since 9 a.m. In this case, most emails are sent.

Teleworking days  can last an average of ten hours instead of the normal eight hours. What’s more mind-boggling is that many people work even between midnight and 3 a.m. The reason for this is simple. They are unable to concentrate during the day and have no choice but to work until the children go to bed.

On the other hand, we can also notice a lot of gaps and imbalances in online learning. For example, some teachers do exercises and homework without giving any explanation online. Also, evaluation systems are not always the most accurate of all. Another important factor is that not all children have a computer at home.

Setting boundaries during quarantine means you know how to organize your time properly. The right kind of time management for telecommuting allows you to be more efficient and avoid stress.

When it comes to online schools, it is advisable to create boundaries as to what is achievable and what is not.

In most cases, the burden on parents increases when they now have to try to help the child with school assignments as well. It is a problem that needs to be assessed and that needs to be solved.

Computer and espresso.

Being at home doesn’t mean you’re always available

Setting boundaries during quarantine also means that  others should understand that you are not always available.

Sometimes you just don’t feel like wanting to participate in a video call in Zoom or any other app. However, this does not mean that you would love these people less. It’s just because you need time to relax and read or even to do nothing and calm your mind.

We should all understand that each person has their own special rhythm and needs. Sometimes, and almost even without realizing it ourselves, we spend hours writing messages and calling each other.

This is all positive and in many ways our daily salvation during quarantine. However, everyone needs a break as well as time for themselves. Setting boundaries is therefore healthy in such cases as well.

Mental limitations are also necessary

The need to set boundaries during quarantine also includes monitoring one’s well-being. As we mentioned earlier, you need to increase external barriers, such as reducing the amount of information you receive.

In addition to better day-to-day time management and arranging time to make video calls with friends and family, you also need to set up mental firewalls.

What does this mean? That means, for example, setting limits on over-care. You need to understand that well-being is the ability to be confident with other people. You also need to be able to be confident with yourself and internally manage everything you can.

It is true that some things are out of your control. You fight insecurity and fear every day. However, you need to put an end to those thoughts that anticipate things that have not yet happened and that visualize the worst case scenario, i.e., exacerbate anxiety.

Taking care of the inner world is just as important as managing the external environment. Your well-being depends on your ability to set boundaries  and that you know what you need the most at every moment of the day. Make sure you do!

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