Skill Conjures Magic Into Our Lives

Skill conjures magic into our lives

Our souls long for magic. Kids love all the stories that contain magic and fairy tales. Even though we have grown up, magic and fantasy still have a place in our hearts, but we have only forgotten the “spells” that bring them out. Then attracting magic into our lives becomes a fundamental need.

The stories of the invisible and magical world are so charming to both children and adults, as they all contain ancient archetypes that we have experienced during our journey in life. These stories evoke our senses. They awaken in a way that allows us to see the magic — so ordinary, simple, and magnificent — that is around us every day.

People all over the world and throughout history have written stories about fantastic creatures and great events that have amazed and inspired people. This has been happening for thousands of years. Behind these stories we can find our imaginations, but also our hopes and fears.

We all need magic in our lives

We all need magic, and when we fight it, something is wrong. But magic is all around us. Fighting it is like fighting a lot of ourselves and our potential.

It seems that especially difficult circumstances capture us into this perspective of adulthood that pushes all magic out of our lives. This perspective still hides the child within us: it is not that it is no longer fun, but that it also brings with it anxiety.

As adults, we constantly find ourselves stuck with various problems, fighting (or protesting) against all the injustices in which we feel we are victims. These are conditions we try to cope with, but at the same time we forget to look up. The good news is that it is possible to have magic on our side again. Formulating a magical view of small things signifies a certain state of mind, and everyone has the power to create their own “magic piece” with which they can enter this state whenever they want.

magic in the hands

How to regain lost magic

Our minds are incredibly powerful (stronger than you can believe), and with a little practice we can completely change our way of thinking. This means we can  begin to get a grip on those magical moments that we have ceased to notice as we chase the clock which, unlike us, never stops. 

Believe in yourself

You can’t find beauty on the outside if you can’t see it inside. If you are always looking for external approval, you will lose a lot of valuable time. And this time you could have spent dreaming about your next big project or developing a new skill you want to learn.

When you believe in your abilities and yourself, the impossibilities become endless. This is how you become a creative person, you dare to dream, you dare to grow, you dare to share your views with others, and you lose your fear of being ridiculed.

It all starts with a dream, a vision or an idea. The difference between people who believe in themselves and those who do not is that those who believe are able to take one step more than their strength allows. And that’s when miracles appear and they reach for heights that no one thought they could.

Start moving

We are all captains of our own lives. We can act in different ways and influence the circumstances in which we find ourselves, and how we act in these times will lead to certain results.

That is, it is important to know what state of mind we are in when we intend to act. If we act on the basis of love, compassion, and understanding, our actions will be magical, charming, and powerful. They will also be part of the greater good. When we act on love, we not only feel better about ourselves, but inspire others to do the same. Love always attracts more love, and this transcends the concrete results of any function itself.

But if your actions come from your ego, if they are based on mistrust, fear, doubt, or criticism, it is these things that fascinate our lives. We charm similar people and situations over and over again: those who lock us into the same pattern time and time again.

Now is the time to change this. We must not be afraid. The magic awaits us around the corner, and the best part is that we create it ourselves. We have now, in fact, dealt with all those ingredients of magic creation, now it is our job to get the magic to us.

balloons with them

Finding magic in small things

There is magic in many, small everyday things around us. These could be, for example, a sunset, a starry sky, a child’s smile, the birds singing, the breeze on our faces or the rain that refreshes and nourishes life…

Magic is not about fantasy. Seeing magic all over us means recognizing the miracles of our lives and being grateful for them. In order to find and charm magic, we must begin to be grateful for the great gift we already have, the gift we receive with every beat of our hearts: life. This is because much of the magic we are talking about is inspiration, strength and energy.

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