Social Phobia: Fear Of Being Convicted

Social phobia: Fear of being convicted

Social phobia is an absurd fear with a huge unpleasant feeling when it comes to social relationships. Those who suffer from this phobia manage to keep their distance from people, to stay isolated, as it makes them feel uncomfortable and stress them to have any kind of relationship or interaction with other people.

There are many limitations to this kind of phobia, as human contact is a fundamental part of our lives. We need to connect with those who belong to our close circle in our lives, be it in work or family life, to meet a potential partner, or to start or maintain a friendship.

People with social phobias avoid all the circumstances in which they have to interact with other people. In many cases, however, this is not possible. So they have no choice but to face these situations which are very difficult for them, especially because they cannot get rid of the idea of ​​being constantly condemned.

Understanding social phobia

While there are many phobias, social phobia is one of the most misunderstood and crippling. Any social situation, celebrations, meetings – in short, situations where we are forced to show ourselves to other people – are the most feared situations of all.

The most ingrained fear in this phobia is getting into a situation that ends up being shameful and humiliating. This feeling comes either as a result of their own fear and anxiety, or because they believe they are unable to face that situation.

Those who suffer from social phobia feel misunderstood and somewhat marginalized. Its complexity and significance is related to the fact that people need the social contact they constantly avoid. So the person feels in prison and it gives him an uncomfortable feeling. This phobia is restrictive for those diagnosed. In addition, it interferes with their lives in a way that is crippling, causing serious feelings of discomfort, and it prevents them from developing several aspects of their daily lives.

Possible causes of social phobia

There can be many reasons for this phobia. The most sensitive season of all this may begin to develop is adolescence. It may be related to over-caring parents. It may also be due to a lack of social skills.

They experience great anxiety about situations where they may have to engage in social interaction where there is some form of social contact or intimacy. The psychophysiological activation that occurs in these situations can lead to symptoms such as arrhythmias, distress, vibration, flushing, stuttering, and constant sweating.

Once a person has yelled at this phobia for themselves, the best thing he can do is go to see an expert. The goal of therapy is to be able to control the absurd fear and the feeling of discomfort it causes.

Our fear of being condemned

One way or another, we all have this fear that others will judge us, based on our abilities, actions, or feelings, whether they are past, present, or anticipated. The problem shows up when this starts to make us obsessive, when it limits us, and when it becomes pathological.

The most common subject of complaint is that others do not understand them. We complain about their lack of empathy without realizing that our attitudes and actions create this loneliness and support this lack of caring, the caring we ask for deep within us.

Awareness and introspection help us not to fall into the trap of thoughts that says that everything that happens to us is the fault of others. The way we look at things or act always has its consequences, and that is why we are also responsible for what we bring to our own experience of life.

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