Sometimes We Have To Let Go To Find Happiness

Sometimes we have to let go to find happiness

How can we let go of things that weigh us down? Imagine you are on a hiking trip and carrying a backpack full of stuff. Your back starts to hurt and you stop, and you look at what’s inside the backpack. You realize that there are several items that you don’t really even need and you get rid of them immediately. How do you feel now? Much lighter! Now you can walk a long way tirelessly and get much further.

Something very similar happens with our feelings and attitudes that we gather over the years. The moment you learn to get rid of everything you don’t need, you begin to walk through life in a different way, happier and freer. Are you ready to let go of certain things that don’t give you any good? Start as soon as you can! You can’t even imagine how great it feels to travel the world without a heavy burden.

Get rid of those attitudes that are an obstacle to your growth

It’s a good idea to add attitudes to your list of things to let go that make it harder to treat others or become a better person. All of these attitudes limit you and prevent you from advancing on the path of personal growth.

First, get rid of your need to always be right. Start with something difficult! Maybe you can’t stand the thought of making a mistake, and it brings a lot of problems with the people you love when it comes. If your ego is bigger than you wanted to get along with your partner, parents, or friends, rethink that feeling and throw it away!

Let go of the birds

Another good thing to eliminate would be your need to control everything, especially what is happening around you. Let others “be”. Nor is it necessary to point the finger and try to find the culprit when it is not… or when you should take responsibility for something yourself! It’s easy to point the finger at the person next to us, but very hard to shake his head and say “it was me”. Contrary to our general belief, it is not cowardly; it is courage.

In addition to this, get rid of the need to make an impact on everyone. You can’t expect to be something you aren’t just because others would like you. Pleasing the people around you will only give you a lot of bad friends who will reject you as soon as you have problems. The same goes for your partner, your job, and everything else that comes to mind. From the moment you take off your mask and start telling the truth, only those who deserve to be in it are left around you.

Let go of the thoughts that weigh you down

So far, we’ve talked about the attitudes that relate to other people and that you should let go of. But of course there is a lot of work to be done in our relationship with ourselves. Throughout life, we are most weighed down by our own negative and self-destructive thoughts.

By thinking this way, you avoid success, progress, and continuous learning. Never believe 100% of your thoughts, especially those pessimistic and those that hurt you. Don’t forget that we can use our brains for good or evil… and it’s up to you.

At the same time,  you should get rid of the belief that you are not into something. Nothing is as impossible to achieve as you think. Nothing or no one (even yourself) can stop you from being happy and realizing your dreams. Spread your wings and fly. Do what makes you a better person and get even closer to your goals. Remember that you are yourself the worst enemy if you do not trust your own abilities.

Resisting change is the next thing you should take out of your heavy backpack. This way, you can follow your own path, feeling much lighter. The changes are good, even if you think otherwise. Go out of your comfort zone and don’t settle for a little… You deserve more! Do not oppose what is different. Give it a chance and it will open many new doors for you.

Girl and Hot Air Balloons

Let go of fear, excuses and the past

These three thoughts or feelings are very heavy. The fear is that you think something bad will happen to you so you are not willing to move forward. If you are scared, failure is more likely. As Franklin Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” It is a limiting factor and it prevents us from moving forward.

The excuses are nothing more than a shield that prevents you from accepting what is happening to you. This may be due to lack of motivation, worrying about the future, or because you are not sure enough about your abilities, etc.… Often we have developed these excuses ourselves and they are not true. Don’t let yourself get stuck in one place “because it’s raining water,” “because I don’t know how I can do it,” or “because I’m going to fail.”

And last but not least, the past, that scourge that pushes us down. We not only remember beautiful times from the past, but often remember bad times, those that have left us with very deep scars. The past must be ignored because if we focus too much on it, we will not see the moment, and even less tomorrow.

Finally, I want to share a beautiful quote from Lao Tzu: “Everything comes by letting it flow naturally. The world is for those who let go. When you try it, everyone wins in the end. ”

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