Suffering Is The Cause Of Many Mental Disorders

Suffering is the cause of many mental disorders

Many mental disorders come from suffering, or more precisely, the meaning we give to suffering. The most interesting thing about this approach is that it is not a theory but a psychological method known as logotherapy. It focuses on the meaning of human existence and man’s quest to find that meaning.

There are a wealth of different types of mental disorders, and each one is different. In general, they are characterized by changes in thinking, perception, emotions, behavior, and relationships with other people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the best treatments for mental disorders are those that alleviate the suffering caused by these disorders.

It should also be mentioned that the prevalence of mental disorders is constantly increasing, with a significant impact on human health and serious consequences at both the socio-economic and human rights levels in all countries.

Who is most at risk for mental illness?

One in four people gets some kind of mental health problem at some point in their lives. Mental health is understood as a harmonious way of treating oneself and others, in order to maintain good social interaction and quality of life in accordance with each stage of life and each person’s own expectations.

This may change for a number of reasons. There are problems in life, and we react to the painful situations they cause. But this should not yet be seen as a disease. It is a disease only if it lasts a long time or is very severe.

the man has patterns on his face

The onset of mental disorders is not limited to individual traits, such as the ability to control thoughts, feelings, behavior, and interactions with other people. It is also affected by social, cultural, political, economic and environmental factors, such as national policies , social security, quality of life, working conditions or community support.

Other factors that contribute to the development of mental disorders include stress, genes, food, perinatal infections, and exposure to environmental risks.

How Does Suffering Affect Mental Disorders?

Some diseases appear at the same rate in almost every culture and country. On the other hand, there are diseases whose onset is more related to social, cultural, socio-economic, etc. conditions. Hereditary factors also predispose people to certain diseases, as does gender.

But a decline in mental health is especially significant when it is due to great suffering and if that suffering changes a person’s way of living, perceiving, and understanding things. It should also be mentioned that it can be due to different reasons: biological, mental or social.

depressed woman

It must also be borne in mind that anyone, at any stage of life and under certain circumstances, can suffer from mental change and deep pain that can directly affect the course of his life. But the onset of a mental illness usually requires other factors, biological, mental or social, present or past, that lead to such great suffering that a mental illness arises.

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