Synchronism Between People: The Power Of A Hug

Synchronism between people: the power of a hug

A hug is a fascinating connection to dance. It is a bond between lovers, skin to skin and heart to heart. Friends show understanding with a hug and children seek intimacy and safety from it. Imagine a child sleeping against his mother’s chest or a baby dreaming on his father’s shoulder… It is a way for a baby to connect with the people who are at his or her root.

Dance therapists believe that few things say more about a person than the way he gives hugs. There are long hugs, short hugs, and clumsy hugs where you don’t know where to put your hands or where to rest your cheeks.

Hugs reveal so many emotions. They tell you if your body is tense or relaxed, whether your spine is stiff or curved. Every movement and gesture says something about a person. Watch the hug so you learn a lot about the people in the hug about their insecurity, intimacy, and passion.

Whether you were a master at giving hugs or avoiding them like Sherlock Holmes in Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels, the following fact will surely interest you. A study published in the Neuroscience News reveals that just a hug from a loved one can make the pain feel milder. The authors of the study, Dr. Simone Shamay-Tsoory and Professor Irit Weissman-Fogel, call this “interpersonal synchronicity”. This is a term worth remembering: you will hear a lot about this concept over the next few years.

mother and baby lion

A hug syncs you with your loved ones

Sometimes we forget that the skin is the largest organ in the body. It is a fascinating and complex tissue consisting of three layers: epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. These layers act as a protective wall and are renewed every month. Every second, they send thousands of pieces of information to the brain.

Thus, one could say that a hug is a genuine sensory union between two people. And this ordinary social and emotional gesture has a deeper meaning than you might have imagined. When you hug, you collect and provide certain information. I hug you and you hug me to show affection, security, trust, love and friendship. And not just for this reason, as the University of Haifa in Israel shows: the synchrony between individuals is affected by hugs.

To better understand this concept, you need to forget everything you know about communication, for a hug is much more than a nonverbal language: it is connection and synchronicity.

the couple sits and hugs

A group of scientists studied 22 pairs over 32 years. Studies showed that during the hug, the rhythms of breathing and heart, as well as the brain waves on both sides, synchronized. So when you hug someone, you settle into their consciousness, so to speak. You reach a state of tranquility where emotions regulate biology. Physiological synchronicity is capable of reducing physical pain, suffering, stress, fear, fatigue, etc.

I take care of you, you take care of me: synchronicity between people

Synchronism between people doesn’t just happen in relationships. When a baby arrives in the world, his brain is still very immature. Nine months in a mother’s womb are not enough to deal with and understand the world around her. After the baby is born, she goes through, as it were, another development outside the womb in complete refuge in the arms of her parents.

Here, another kind of biological connection takes place, a fascinating phenomenon called thermal synchronism. When a baby is cold, the mother’s breast heat can rise by as much as two degrees. If the baby is hot, the opposite will happen. In principle, therefore, direct contact with the mother’s skin creates a place of refuge where biological needs are synchronized. This refuge calms fears, creates warmth, and promotes a child’s brain development.

mother kissing her son

Finally, know that physical contact affects our survival in a significant way. Whether it is through a warm touch or a genuine hug, this contact is important for health and happiness.

Synchronicity between individuals teaches us that physical intimacy puts us on the same wavelength; we unite on a physical, mental and even energy level. And this can unleash a genuine, fascinating and often forgotten power: the power of love and affection against suffering, cold, stress, anxiety, insecurity and even pain.

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