The Bond Between Children And Pets

The bond between children and pets

One of the most famous and incredible French writers, Anatole France, once said that “the human soul has not awakened until it has loved the animal. Children and their pets are able to create a special bond that no one can break.

It is true that love is one of the finest feelings a human heart can experience. But love is not just for people. Animals are also able to feel as much passion and intensity as we do.

The importance of the bond between children and animals

Because the absolute love of an animal is such an amazing feeling, it is important to consider adopting the animal as it can give your children values, happiness, and an important mental bond. Acquiring an animal is also a great way to give children more and more responsibility.

pet dog and girl

The Affinity Foundation is one of the organizations that has researched and defended the benefits that children benefit from growing up with animals. This organization has done many studies that have shown how important and beneficial animal engagement really is.

Numerous benefits can be seen from the results, as pets seek to improve the quality of life for the whole family, reduce stress and depression, and promote physical and mental balance.

The relationship between children and pets

According to research conducted by the Affinity Foundation, pets allow children to feel more complete, happy, independent, responsible, and caring. Let’s look at how pet ownership can develop children’s educational and social development:

  • When a child has a pet he or she loves, he or she is usually responsible for caring for and feeding it independently, altruistically, and in a generous manner.
  • Animal responsibility and care greatly improves children’s self-esteem. They feel useful, knowing they are doing something right and gaining a lot of confidence in their own abilities.
  • A good environment that facilitates the relationship between the child and the pet improves the child’s connection to the family. Animals can have a very strong unifying force among family members.
  • Learning respect from a young age makes the child aware of the need to respect other people and the environment.
  • Children who know they are doing a good job caring for their pet feel qualified and safer. As such, they feel more responsible and more balanced mentally.
  • Pets are an excellent support for children in difficult times. An animal’s unconditional partnership can alleviate grief and fear. In fact, 46% of children consider their pets a powerful source of mental support.

boy and pet

How to facilitate the connection between children and animals

To facilitate the evolving relationship between your child and pet, keep in mind:

  • It cannot be forced. It should flourish naturally. However, the bandage will start to grow if your child takes responsibility for feeding the animal, providing clean water, or bathing the pet.
  • When you take your pet for a walk, it is important to allow your child to participate in the experience as well. This also helps the bandage to flourish naturally.
  • At the peak of responsibility, the child should see the pet as a source of fun and entertainment. In this way, an unbreakable and enriching bond grows between them.

Other interesting facts about children and pets

According to research conducted by the Affinity Foundation, people who have pets in their childhood are less prone to problems in their relationships,  they tend to be happier and more motivated, and feel less threatened.

It’s a good idea to help your child develop an unbreakable bond with their pet, as it will leave a mark on him or her forever and make him or her feel more whole and happy.

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