The Crisis Of Middle Age: A Time Of Change

The crisis of middle age: a time of change

Have you already turned 50? If you are, then congratulations! In most cases, it means that you already have many experiences, both good and bad, and you are mature for your age. However, turning 50 can also bring problems, worries and reflections.

We are talking about the classic “middle age crisis”. About 82% of men will experience andropause at the age of 50, while the female population will experience significant changes in all respects.

The crisis of middle age is more than just men going out and buying a sports car or a mountain bike. Most women also go through major hormonal changes. Also, when the crisis of middle age and adolescence happen at the same time under the same roof… be on your guard!

The crisis of middle-aged women

Jill Shaw Ruddock says in his book “The second half of your life” , the hormones, which at one point adjustable lived all, a woman’s body begins to decrease after 50 years. This causes several different changes in the body. These then lead to symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings and insomnia. Other symptoms include palpitations, a feeling of disappointment, and a compelling need to cry.

woman over 50 and depressed

For women, turning 50 can be like being on a roller coaster. Their fertile age comes to an end during their “second half of life”. The word menopause comes from the Greek word “mens,” which refers to the monthly , and “pause,” which refers to the end .

Addressing the crisis of middle age when children are still living at home

Times have changed. In the past, it was normal for children to be independent by the time mothers turned 50 years old. But the reality is very different for today’s families. Living with children at home can make the middle age crisis a more challenging process.

A good friend of mine, who is 52, told me that one day he got out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror. He did not recognize himself. Her skin had lost elasticity and firmness due to decreased estrogen levels. Her hair had become thinner and more brittle.

But all is not lost. Actually, nothing is lost or very little. Being 50 is not the same as it was before. Consider, for example, Monica Bellucci, who is gaining attention around the world as a “new Bond girl”.

Another benefit is that when you reach the age of 50 (half a century!), The voices of doubt will subside inside your head. The image projected by women and who they really are begins to become more cohesive and women become more creative and ambitious. After the difficulties of middle age, many look to the future with renewed hope.

Middle age crisis and andropause

Eight out of ten men experience andropause, which is like a men’s version of menopause. Andropause also occurs at the same time as the crisis in middle-aged men. Some recognizable symptoms of andropause include:

  • Decreased libido leading to an increase in erectile dysfunction.
  • Dry hair and skin.
  • Increased body fat and sweating.
  • Muscle weakness and insomnia.
  • Increased irritability or anxiety.
  • Bone structure change, lack of bone strengthening minerals.

When men reach the age of 50, they may lose interest in projects that once inspired them. Likewise, they may feel as if they are unable to come up with new ideas and less willing to compete with other men. Nor is a decline in self-confidence, tenacity, and energy. This can make a man feel restless or irritated.

The risk of depression increases after the age of 50. At this age, men are at greater risk of letting their sorrows and apathy take over. But this is only probability; we are not saying that this would happen to everyone.

a man over the age of 50 and takes care of his health

Is your youth finally over when you turn 50?

If you lose the youth of your heart, the chances of getting a middle-aged crisis increase. Likewise, depression becomes more likely. People have difficulty answering existential questions that they didn’t have to answer (or didn’t care about) before.

In addition, you may begin to identify with your parents. As parents get older, they become more dependent on their children (who are now 70-80 or older). It’s easy to imagine that what happens to your parents now will happen to you in the near future. This idea of ​​the future can make you sad, especially if it is associated with degenerative or chronic diseases.

The importance of mentality

When you wake up years later, you may have repetitive, useless thoughts. These thoughts might be, for example, “I feel old… no one listens to music I like anymore… young people treat me like an old man”.

These thoughts may become more common as time goes on and they may evoke feelings of emptiness, sadness, and even fear. It is therefore important to exchange these emotions for other emotions that are more useful at such a time of great change.

Many people think that 50 is an awesome age. At this age you are mature and young people are still looking for it. The truth is, you can’t go back. There is no choice but to take care of your health and enjoy the opportunities and opportunities you have in the best way possible.

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