The Cruel Price Of Lack Of Love: Iivana The Story Of Cruel

The Cruel Price of Lack of Love: Iivana The Story of Cruelty

What can make a person scorch another alive or cut them into small pieces? What can lead a person to be so indescribably cruel, and to remain motionless in the face of their own atrocities, or even to enjoy them? This is the story of Ivan the Terrible.

A person’s early childhood can leave permanent marks on him or her for the rest of his or her life. Our first experiences, relationships with the people around us, and the examples and teachings we receive from these people, will remain our companions for the rest of our lives, both good and bad.

This is why love is so paramount;  the phrase “love to change the world” has never been uttered in vain. It is true that love, and hatred as opposed to it, have served as the driving force behind the greatest achievements of humanity, as well as the most horrific possible acts of terror committed throughout history.

So today we want to present a illustrative example of how early childhood can leave its mark on humans, in this case quite a creepy mark. This was the case with Ivan the Terrible.

Difficult childhood

Ivan the Terrible has remained in the imaginative series of historical figures entirely because of his nickname “Cruel”, a nickname that was once a lame translation of the Russian word “Ankara”. But despite his language, this adjective is very apt given all the atrocities he committed at the time.

The whole story began with his early childhood. At only 3 years old, he lost his father, making him Grand Duke of Moscow. Power was held at the time by his mother, who died five years later  when the pajamas, who always resisted the ruling rulers, most likely poisoned him.

From then on, the pajamas trained Ivana, and they used every possible means of humiliation for the boy throughout his childhood: they insulted and beat him, humiliated him, beat him for fun, and imprisoned him in the Kremlin Palace, where he practically lived as a beggar.

Everything Ivan experienced during his childhood can be seen in his first cruel act at the age of 13, when he ordered one of his enemies to be torn to pieces, throwing the man into a herd of dogs to be ravaged. His helplessness had turned into rage and counterattack… And it seemed to work. Iivana began to receive respect.

Little by little, his character began to take shape; and the cruel early childhood he experienced, the  grief caused by his mentally ill brother whom he held in high esteem throughout his life , and the death of his beloved wife Anastasia, were all heavy blows to Ivana. All of these events became engraved deep in the foundations of his character.

Painful loss and quest for control

Despite the fact that Ivana was married seven times, only his first wife Anastasia really managed to take her heart. Anastasia fell ill and died soon after. During that time, no one was able to tell Ivana the reason for his loved one’s death, but time and death investigations showed that he had been poisoned. Analysis of his bones revealed that he had been given a lethal dose of mercury.

As a result of his wife’s death, Ivana’s character became even more “cruel,” and he was constantly skeptical of everything and everyone. His wife had been the only person he trusted, and they had deprived him of Ivana.

As we all know, “leads our heads to our actions,” and despite Ivan’s attempts to conquer the Baltic, his dreams never became possible in reality. Ivana lacked everything his rival, the envied city of Novgorod, had. It was a place I knew about the education and good manners of all its residents, the traits that made it famous.

They had a functioning trade and traders built churches to earnestly ask God for help to make their business flourish. Few things can really be achieved by force, but Ivan did as he had always done before, what had been fed to him and what he had lived all his life: he used brutality. Again, Ivan attacked, leaving the city in ruins and torturing, beheading, and besieging many of the city’s residents. Modern research on the subject has yielded estimates that 2,000 or even 3,000 people suffered from his rage at the time.

The ultimate horror

In each of his actions, Ivana shows poor or lost judgment,  and his final and most horrific act was the murder of his own son. One day Iivana met her mini, in her own words, inappropriately dressed. During an angry confrontation with his son, Ivana, who was pierced by rage and anger, beat his son to death. Killing his own son. Man is capable of such atrocities only when he is completely entangled in the rage, aggression, and anger caused by the moment. In addition to the layman’s reasoning, this is also confirmed by experts.

200 years later Peter the Great then accomplished all that Ivan could not do with power and insanity: he modernized and built Peter.

It could only be built with love… The teaching of the story is clear! 

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