The Different Stages Of The Words “I Love You “

Often at some stage of romance we hear tears in our eyes bringing the words “I love you”. Depending on the stage of the relationship we say these words, they mean different things.

It is very likely that “I love you” when heard for the first time is very different from hearing these words after being with our spouse for a year, say.

Why can the words “I love you” mean so many different things?

When two people are in a relationship, they start growing together. On the path to our own personal growth, we will each face new kinds of situations that affect our relationships with other people. For this reason, the words “I love you” change as the relationship progresses.

However, one thing remains the same when we use these words: the person to whom we say them. It doesn’t matter how we say these words. We can cry, laugh or hug. In any case, these words remain important and magical in every relationship.

What does “I love you” mean at each stage?

Two months: I like how things go.

In a stable, long-term relationship, two months is not a very long time and it wears off really quickly. It is true that we feel most in love in the early stages of a relationship when we have found a very special person with whom we can begin to build a life. The words “I love you” during the first two months of a relationship tell of the feeling that we believe that what we feel about that person will remain the same indefinitely. But if we think about it realistically, we know that nothing lasts indefinitely, not even a two-month-old relationship.

We want to emphasize that often in this first step, we may easily confuse our feelings and end up saying “I love you” instead of saying “I like you very much.” This may be due to personal immaturity, which is usually associated with youth or the fact that we do not yet have much experience in long-term relationships.

It is advisable to do self-examination before using these very powerful words. This way we can avoid all kinds of mental misunderstandings and this way we will not cause harm to the person we are really starting to love.

Five months: You are important.

Studies show that we find ourselves in this situation in the last days of the first phase of falling in love. “I love you” can now mean “you are an important part of my life” as well as “I would like to keep a place in my heart for you.”

At this point, we may be a little insecure and there may be various doubts and fears in our minds: will he break my heart? Does he feel the same way I do? A period of less than six months usually does not yet give us full clarity about our feelings for another person. For this reason, the words “I love you” at this point mean that we still feel those butterflies in our stomachs, but maybe not yet quite completely in our hearts.

Six months: We are perfect together.

During this time, neither side of the relationship is able to stop thinking of the other. You love everything he does, and everything that has to do with him. You both show love in so many different ways: through photos, letters, gifts, and so on.

“I love you” now means so much more than it meant three months ago. Accompanied by these words, you are now sending a message that you love how this person makes you feel and that the best thing about you is the feeling that you are becoming a part of his life and of him a part of yours.

Nine months: This is our love.

There is a saying, “Loving another is like moving to another city.” This starts to sound more sensible the longer the relationship has lasted and the more you are used to developing together on a spiritual level. When we say “I love you” during this phase, we mean that “what is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.”

From now on, “I love you” is something you both share, just like you share everything else in your relationship.

Ten months: You are my best friend.

Now you can be completely natural with your spouse. You think it’s a little hard and weird to be separated from him. During this time, “I love you” is really meaningful; it doesn’t matter if you say it after a joke or in a text message, it’s still just as relevant a phrase.

It is very likely that if someone asked about your feelings, you would not only find your spouse to be “the most wonderful person on earth,” but you would also tell him or her to be your best friend.

This type of “I love you” is much more than what your spouse can offer you or what you wish you could offer your spouse. At this point, love really begins to get to the deepest part of your heart.

One year: You are my whole world.

What you experience in this relationship is certainly pure and selfless love. If you are asked how you feel about your spouse, you will answer something in this style: “I can’t imagine what my life would be like without her.” At this point, “I love you” is something much more permanent, as you don’t question which one feels more love, and you don’t care that the other doesn’t feel the same way you do.

You will feel safe and comfortable. When you tell your spouse you love this and when you stand by his or her side, you relax, open up, and feel whole.

Two years: I think about the future.

“I love you” at this point means “I love who you are, and I will love who you will be.” Clearly, this feeling has developed because you have felt confident: as long as the two of you are together, nothing is impossible and nothing scares you.

Three years: Persistence.

“I love you” means that you want to make the love you feel for your spouse something lasting. You want to share everything with the person you love. You live a life full of attention, confidence, and wisdom, and most importantly, you grow and experience together.

During this episode, “I love you” can be a quicker way to say “you are all I want.” This is how your soul and heart would really like to say.

Four years: Your dreams are true.

One of the most wonderful things that can happen to a person is to feel love and be loved. Love is everything in everything. Receiving love and giving it back has been said to be something very special.

At the moment, you are not looking for much else, for you have the feeling that you have entered into a kind of spiritual nirvana. Many people will tell you how lucky you are, and others will even be jealous of you. And why wouldn’t they? There are several people in the world who have not yet experienced true love.

This article has outlined the different stages of a relationship and how they develop. However, it is important to understand that every spouse and every experience is different. For example, some may get stuck at one of these stages and may feel that they need more time or some kind of mental tools to develop with the relationship.

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