The Miraculous Ability Of The Body To Heal Itself

The miraculous ability of the body to heal itself

This does not include any magical or esoteric truth. Moreover, this has nothing to do with bottomless but quite common beliefs. In fact, it is only a raw truth that the human body has a built-in mechanism that allows it to heal itself without any medical intervention.

This is not quite as innovative an invention as you might imagine. Already Hippocrates, widely regarded as the father of medicine, once developed therapeutic therapies based on the body having the necessary tools for self-healing. According to his assumptions, the physician, in  his simplicity, should only assist in the initiation and operation of these processes, and not interfere directly with them.

Today,  medicine, especially the “alternative” or “complementary” type, returns to this principle  more and more every day. However, the subject is not quite so simple that when we get sick we would just wait for it to heal on its own.

The concept of illness

The idea that the body can heal itself is closely related to our perception of the disease.  Not all branches of medicine define disease in the same way. For example, traditional allopathic medicine views the disease as a change in the body’s normal functions. The World Health Organization, on the other hand, defines it as follows:  “A change or abnormality in a physical state, in one or more parts of the body. Generally, the result, for known reasons, manifests itself through symptoms and characteristics. With developments more or less predictable. ”

From this point of view, the doctor’s action should be aimed at restoring the proper functions of the body.  To do this, they usually use chemicals for therapeutic purposes.

The more alternative branches of medicine see things quite differently. For them, illness is a clear indication of an imbalance between the body and its environment. This includes nutrition, lifestyle and every single reciprocal process between the body and the environment.

Thus, the goal of healing is not only to make the disease itself go away, but also to restore the body’s natural balance.  This is based on the idea that emotions play a fundamental role in the healing process. Therefore, every treatment should be directed to the mind as well as to the body.  For if the mind is healed, so is the body.


Every living being has a built-in mechanism that allows it to restore its internal balance, and this phenomenon is also known as homeostasis. This feature allows the body to reach a state of automatic regulation. This means, therefore, that when changes take place in the outside world, there are minimal effects on an individual’s life. In its shortness, it is an adaptation response.

Every organ must be able to take part in the homeostatic process in order to maintain life and good health.  We are equipped to be biologically capable of doing this.

And when that doesn’t happen, the traditional doctor is looking for ways to restore balance using external factors. The doctor in the alternative arm, on the other hand, tries to get the failed body to restore its ability to contribute to the overall balance.

The man got up from the wheelchair and healed himself

How do we improve ourselves?

Health and illness depend largely on the emotional state. This can be explained in a very simple way. Every organ in our body is nervous, which means it has nerves in it. These in turn are all connected to the central nervous system. In other words, they are affected to varying degrees by the brain.

For example, if you are angry, it will affect your body in a series of different consequences, including increased heart rate, muscle tension, etc. When anger becomes a continuous and common event, the physiological change it causes begins to affect all the organs associated with this feeling.  So therefore, at some point, you will develop the disease in one of them.

The same thing happens with every single emotion. There is no way to experience them as just some subjective phenomenon.  They all change the physiology of our bodies in one way or another.

Thus, the body can become ill due to the functions that automated destructive emotions cause in us.  But at the same time, this is exactly the way the body can also heal itself if you work on these subjective elements that lead to some form of unworthy vital activity.

In the case of chronic diseases, it is therefore very important to ask questions about possible emotional sources of pain.  The answer to your illness, too, may reside between your ears rather than the excessive medications that are sometimes puffed up on us.

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