The Power Of Example: The Best Gift You Can Give Your Children

The power of example: the best gift you can give your children

When children are still small, sincere beings, they very rarely question the words or actions of their parents. Parents are their role models. The behavior shown by their role models is, in their view, the example they should follow. The power of this example makes them take the example of their parents.

Many times parents criticize their children’s behavior in a negative way. They do not give their children the right to make mistakes. Such condemnation leaves a deep imprint on their self-esteem.

Parents should understand that they are mirrors through which children can see their own imagery. We are their guides, their fixed points. If we do not learn to deal with our emotions, our emotions will become their emotions. Our behavior is reflected in them. Although we as adults also have the right to make mistakes, it is advisable to invest in developing our self-control and self-discipline.  Above all, because our children perceive our behavior.
Father and son on the beach

The power of example in the lives of our children

Teach them to speak the truth

We tend to think that when our children lie, we only have to rebuke them. However, that is not entirely true. Children take a model from their parents. Honestly, how many times have they caught us lying – even just telling a little white lie?   Many times we lie directly to their faces, and this does not go unnoticed by them. In doing so, we send them a message that lying is normal and acceptable, because even their parents do.

Teach them to listen

You have certainly found it often challenging to make your child calm down and listen to you. The question is, “How often do you listen to them?” How many times have they tried to tell you something that happened to them at school? Or how often have they wanted to sing their favorite song and you haven’t listened to them? 

It is sometimes impossible to get your children to listen, especially if you yourself are not busy listening to them. The ideal situation would be for you to be able to stop for a moment. You would be able to pay attention to them to tell you sincerely that even if you can’t listen right now, you want to do so in just a little while.

Teach them to use a low, soft tone

How many times do we tell our children not to shout, even though we ourselves shout in an even louder voice? If we want them to speak in a soft and pleasant tone of voice, the power of example is far greater than our words. It is true that everyone’s patience has its limits. As parents as well as adults, we need to invest in staying sensible and not giving our emotions dominance. If we do this repeatedly, our children will learn to behave the same over time.

The girl asks for silence

Teach them to respect the rules

Do you drive more than 120km per hour on the highway? Do you park irregularly from time to time? Do you take pens home from your office? By doing this, you are not teaching your children to respect the rules because you are breaking them first. This will greatly complicate your work when you want them to follow the rules at home. They don’t understand why you get to break the rules, and they don’t.

Guide them to useful hobbies

If you want your children to read books, you must read too. If you don’t want them to be glued to a TV or smartphone, you should try to detach yourself from the screen from time to time. Your hobbies have a very high chance of being reflected in their choices. So if your current hobbies aren’t the most rewarding, maybe it’s high time to replace them with new ones. Make sure your children see you doing other things as well. It will benefit both you and your children.

Teach them to tolerate frustration

This is very important. If you yourself easily sink into the swamp of disappointments, your children will learn to do the same. It is essential that you help your children tolerate the ups and downs of life, your own – as well as others – mistakes, and all kinds of difficulties and contradictions in life. The power of example does not lie in the stuttering or inflexibility of things towards children. Instead, it’s about seeing your integrity, your solution -oriented attitude, and your emotional balance in the midst of everyday life.

Dissatisfied girl in father's arms

Here are just a few examples you can teach your children. The key to exemplaryness is remembering that we are the primary role model for our children, at least until adolescence. The power of example is reflected in the fact that they repeat almost everything we do. Ponder those traits in yourself that you don’t want them to necessarily repeat. Take steps to change them to ensure the well-being of  both you and your children.

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