The Power Of Patience And Managing Anxiety

The power of patience and the management of anxiety

Educating yourself to be more patient is not easy. But if you do your part to develop a more positive and trusting attitude, you will be able to deal with stress and focus on your own well-being.

The mind often travels faster than life itself. One key to slowing down is the power of patience. Try to keep a positive view of the world as you increase your ability to wait. Make room for a way to let go of anxiety, pressure, and worries. This is how you let things happen on your own time and at the right time.

Experts seem to have differing opinions on whether impatience is a learned pattern of behavior or an innate trait with which some people are born. Be that as it may, one thing is clear: our social connections contribute to this feeling of dissatisfaction and make us want immediate results. That’s why it’s hard to wait for things. People constantly feel helpless when they realize that things are not under their control.

Which comes first: anxiety or impatience?

Nor do we know whether impatience leads to anxiety or whether anxiety makes it less patient. However, we know that these two are the perfect pair to trigger stress and brain overactivity. They can cause insomnia, fatigue, concentration problems, lack of motivation and, of course, unhappiness.

A fundamental but effective strategy for regulating these feelings is to develop patience. It is important to understand that increasing patience is not an easy task. This is because the brain gets used to certain thought patterns. If you present a calmer and more optimistic approach to your brain, it will oppose it somewhat. However, it is possible to increase patience.

hands on a flower

The power of patience – a better quality of life

The result of constant impatience is anxiety. The combination of the two can be devastating. They can cause physical problems such as muscle pain, headaches, palpitations, or indigestion. Impatience is like malware installed in the brain. Once there, it begins to activate the mechanisms of cognitive distortions.

It starts as soon as you wake up. If the coffee doesn’t finish fast enough or the bus to work is a minute late, you assume you’re going to have a bad day. If you don’t get a draft of a project planned for today ready, you know you’ll feel frustrated and desperate. Similarly, rushing is like a poison that distorts your thoughts and mood.

Famous Cognitive Psychotherapist and supporter of rational emotional behavior therapy Albert Ellis spoke about the effects of uncontrolled anxiety. If your anxiety is not controlled in any way, it will take over your life. Patience is the ideal approach to help you regain control.

Self-regulation is the key to patience

In January 2018, the University of North Florida at Jacksonville conducted an interesting study on patience. Its principal investigator was Dominik Guess, Ph.D. in psychology. The study found that in certain cultures, patience is more relevant to people because of a very concrete psychological function: self-regulation.

Self-regulation is above all self-control. In other words, it is the ability to control yourself and your reactions to pressure and external events.

Self-regulatory approaches require you to develop the following features:

  • Reflection
  • Emotion management
  • Self-control
  • Confidence
  • Social abilities
  • Tolerance
the man's head is a landscape

Practicing the Four Foundations of Dexterity

We need to figure out some thoughts on patience. People often misunderstand patience and associate it with passivity, resignation, or simply the ability to expect something . To get a clearer picture of what it really means, let’s look at the basics of patience. These are the features that should be developed:

  • Patience is freedom. It is an emotionally liberating practice that teaches you to wait, observe, and know when to act.
  • Patience is compassion. This perspective of patience means that you respect yourself. You shouldn’t be harsh on yourself just because you can’t do things the way you expect. You need to help yourself, appreciate yourself, and learn to be your best ally.
  • Patience leads to movement and action.  Patient people are not immobile. Nor have they surrendered, nor have they been isolated from reality. On the contrary, patience allows you to save energy for action. It allows you to leverage your intuition to better understand when is the best time to act.
  • Trust and optimism are the seeds of effective patience. Patience requires a certain confidence in impotence. You have to believe that things are happening at the right time on their own. A faster-moving mind is useless if everything important happens here and now.

Finally, remember that patience is a centralized strength. It is also the virtue of people who have learned to control their feelings and thoughts. These people know that everything has its moments.

Sometimes we try to rush through life, even though it should really be enjoyed and appreciated slowly. Relax, slow down, trust that you are moving in the right direction, and trust in the power of patience.

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