The Sun Always Shines After A Storm

The sun always shines after a storm

It may sound cliché and worn out, but the sun always shines in the end in a completely clear, blue and beautiful sky. No matter how powerful and long the storm, no matter how many lightning strikes the tops of trees or how many floods the storm has left behind, there is always rain after the storm. The sun brightens the sky, the clouds flee, and the light fills the darkness. Life becomes easier and more beautiful again.

At the end of the tunnel, light always shines, no matter how dim. Nothing lasts forever, nor do storms and darkness. Don’t be upset that everything in your life is covered in darkness and you can’t see any end to the darkness. Don’t give up, don’t give up. Keep moving forward, dare to believe and one day you will realize how much brighter everything is. The darkness of the past becomes a mere memory and your path is illuminated.

The sun after the storm

The post-storm sunlight is perhaps the most beautiful light in the world. As the darkness recedes and takes the rain and clouds with it, the earth smells soft and fresh, the heat tickles your shoulders and you look at the horizon with joy as you survived the storm and now enjoy a beautiful day.

No storm can last forever. After each storm, you are stronger. You have endured the hurricane at its worst and overcome it, now you yourself are stronger and more capable, better prepared for the next dawn.

Don’t be afraid of a storm, because after bad weather, the sun will surely appear and illuminate your way. A bright moment and serenity will brighten the mind and you will soon forget your former sorrows.

Fear of the storm

Many people spend their lives in constant fear of the storm.  They believe that there will be rain, bad air, thunder and darkness in everything in life. This is not true. Nature is wise and gives us a sufficient amount of everything.

Man is a child of nature and Mother Earth observes us from birth, guides us as we learn and grow. Why do we give the storm such a big place in our lives? Wipe out the constant worries you think, let the storms come and go knowing that eventually they will subside. Why would you constantly suffer from rain and pain? Don’t give it that kind of power.

Ships at sea in a storm

If nature itself is able to find a balance between water and the sun, we should not be any different.  After all, we are from nature ourselves. We just need the right tools to survive the storm. We need to take full advantage of the obstacles we have overcome and enjoy the wonderful sun that unfolds after the rain.

This is how you survive the storms

Have you ever wondered what aids you need to survive a storm?  They are easily accessible, although we often complicate the situation unnecessarily. Often the rain gets at least a little wet, but with proper protection you can survive hurricanes as well.

An umbrella is an absolutely important object in a storm.  The storm is not always very strong, so a mere umbrella is suitable to protect us from the worst wetting. An umbrella prevents water from entering the skin and clothing, although the ankles often get wet in puddles.

Decent roof over your head.  This is the best way to survive a storm. Remember that the better a house is built, the better it protects against the forces of nature. Make sure the foundation of the house is in order: the floor, walls and ceiling, and make sure the insulation and drainage works, this way you will avoid flooding. Avoid moisture and leaks and always hire professionals to do modifications.

Strong will is an important personality trait when fighting in the grip of a storm.  The will to live and move forward, the certainty of surviving is absolutely essential. Don’t let water carry you or scare you. Stay confident about what you want and what you don’t.

Remember who your human umbrella is. Who are the people who make up your home. Where lies your will to survive the storm and see the sun warming the wet ground after all its lightning and rain. And now you can go and hug these people and thank them for always being by your side and protecting you from all evil. Thank them for their love and support and strengthen your gap for the next storm – together you can survive that too.

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