The Theory Of Small Profits To Boost Self-esteem

The theory of small profits to raise self-esteem

According to the theory of small profits, life is better if we learn to simplify it. It is easy to get over the biggest and most difficult problems if we break them into small pieces.

There is nothing better for our self-esteem than achieving many small profits. These daily gains can motivate us to continue. Anthropologists say that the ability to progress is inherent in humans.

Technological, social and cultural development is almost impossible to stop. It is so impossible to stop that before long we will have generations coming to visit unexplored planets. They will wipe out diseases that are currently incurable.

The main idea is this: it is difficult for us to make small profits if we do not stimulate our motivation to make them happen. We must believe in our possibilities. Otherwise  , those who believe in their own abilities and have high self-esteem and self-worth will come past us.

The theory of small profits in practice

James Watson, another discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA, explains in his memoirs that no one at school explained how motivation works. No one told me how to deal with gloomy moments and a personal mood of defeat.

Watson and Francis Crick repeatedly failed in their efforts to open DNA. For several years, they thought that their model would fail and that they would be ridiculed around the world.

Despite this, both scientists decided mentally as well as mentally to focus and apply what we know today as the theory of small profits. However, there is nothing better than building self-confidence little by little. Every right answer and every little progress will ultimately lead to victory.

light bulb

Using small profits theory to develop self-image

We all know we can’t make a child run if he hasn’t learned to walk in the first place. We must first build the foundation of the house before we can build the house. It is important to take it one step at a time. You need to know what to do and when. We need intelligence to nurture patience. Unfortunately, there is not always enough space in our daily lives for those who want to move slowly. We don’t value people who look around first before they jump.

Most of us are actually stuck at this other extreme. We have big dreams and desires. We also have big problems. Everything crushes us and flows between our fingers. We are beginning to believe that there is no escape from this misfortune and that we have used all our options. Such thoughts eat away at our self-esteem and ruin our motivation to succeed.

There is one name that deserves recognition in the world of psychology for its progress in the field of human motivation. Teresa Amabile is a professor at Harvard University who specializes in creativity, productivity, and job satisfaction. He highlights what the small profits theory has to offer. In order to achieve important goals and solve complex problems, it would be best to divide this journey into small steps.

little man in a small plane

Small, everyday revolutions

Karl Weick is a well-known social psychologist and motivation expert. According to Weick, modern societies are not effective in dealing with real problems. These are chronic problems such as unemployment and crime. What politicians and nonprofits do is invest money in “big solutions.”

However, these great solutions always seem to fail. These great systems and good intentions often fail quickly. Talking about them is one thing, but making them a reality is a separate thing. The real solution lies in the theory of small profits. The right way to fix these problems is with small daily revolutions. To find the wrong things, we need to have skilled and patient microsurgeons who can find the source of the problem.

It would be best to create simple and reasonable plans at the local level. Some countries, such as Norway and Finland, are doing this well. These countries know how to get close to the people and how to design available structures to bring about small changes.

small profits theory: piece by piece

Developing self-esteem with small goals

It doesn’t matter how big the challenges or problems are. If they are divided into achievable goals, everything becomes more manageable. According to the theory of small gains, we need daily gains in order to maintain emotional health. The way to do this is by setting simple, daily goals.

Little by little, our self-esteem develops. As we evolve, we can make bigger changes and take bigger and more confident steps. We will see our goals closer to the horizon. Let us invest our efforts in this simple and humble technology,  and see our constraints disappear.

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