Today I Reacted In The Best Possible Way

Today, I am responding in the best possible way

How many times have you been enraged at a trivial matter? How many times have you reacted inappropriately to a situation? In negative situations, we may easily lose self-control.

In order to react in the best way, you will have to learn to control yourself and your emotions. Easier said than done, you may gasp because you can’t always control your emotional reactions. How can you best behave in a new, unknown situation?

Responding in the best, appropriate way doesn’t mean saying everything that pops into our heads. Thoughts should always have a filter that prevents inappropriate things from being said out loud. Responding in the right way means wisdom and dignity.

Man and woman

There are many situations that can lead to a sudden reaction.  Overreaction can occur between individuals, at home, or at work. It is difficult to determine precise guidelines for all those situations that elicit a negative reaction. How can you best deal with negative emotions, such as anger that suddenly rises?

You can choose to react constructively and calmly to difficult situations. It is not always easy to decide whether the situation should back down or whether it should hold its own. It is important to assess the situation and know when to give up and when to fight.

It is also good to keep in mind positive thought patterns. The phrase “I react in the best possible way today” is an effective tool in the midst of difficult situations. It is important to know which reactions are appropriate for public situations and which are appropriate for private, personal situations. A friend is treated differently than a boss. All of these things need to be kept in mind so that you don’t end up falling victim to your own reactions.

Don’t give weight to negative moments

For some reason, a person tends to give more weight to negative moments.  Often hurtful words can stay in the mind for months, even years, while praise doesn’t seem to have as much lasting power. Man automatically gives more things to his thoughts in his thoughts.

If you want to react more positively to things, start by giving negative experiences less room in your thoughts. Negative situations occur just as much as positive ones, and it is your job to consider positive things. Note your own self-confidence and positivity.

Don’t let negative situations take over. While many things can go wrong, don’t let it paralyze you. Tomorrow may be better, things tend to get organized and if they don’t get organized, they change. It is important that you are not obsessed with negative situations. Remember that negativity attracts more negativity.

Departed trees

Ways to react

The best way to react is to change the way you react to the reactions themselves. To succeed here, it’s important to know a little more about the three different options we have available to respond to a new situation:

  • We can step into an emotion and experience it strongly.
  • We can try to ignore the emotion, but this is difficult.
  • We can try to get a perspective on the situation.

Another of the options on the list is the least developmental. When you try to ignore your feelings, the end result is never positive. No matter how you try to ignore your feelings, they are still present and bothering your mind. Ignoring the emotion can lead to it reappearing later and this time much more powerful.

That is why it is important that we always avoid second place on the list. If we experience a strong feeling, we will be able to understand it and know how to react next. When we try to get a new perspective on a situation or try many different ways of looking at it, it enriches our experience of life.

Today, I am responding in the best possible way

When we change the way we see the world, it also means that we change the way we see our own reactions.  When we react to something negative, what if we acted instead of reacting?

A person often stays static in situations, thoughts squeezing inside the head, feeling crazy and sometimes the person ends up exploding because the feeling feels powerless.

Start working. This can be difficult as a person often stays within their comfort zone without taking risks. In a negative situation, however, you have the ability to change your mind and start acting. Don’t be taken prisoner. Maybe you leave the situation, turn away from people who don’t give you anything good.

Remember this and repeat it as many times as necessary: “Today I react in the best possible way, I act instead of reacting.”

I reacted like a winner

Photos: Terry Dodson

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