Unlimited Love: Seeing Beyond A Distance

Infinite love is freedom, understanding, and respect where love can flourish despite adversity.
Unlimited love: seeing beyond a distance

Love is a feeling we experience for another person; a person to whom we wish all the best in life and to whom we feel a deep connection. However, there is a harsh truth to this: loving another person does not automatically mean that we receive counter-love. This love may be mutual, or it may not be. And even if it is, there are always many obstacles that can affect and weaken a relationship, especially if its foundation is not solid enough. If the bond is not based on security, that is what is likely to break. Thus, one of the most difficult and complex challenges of love is distance.

Distance always seems difficult. Getting rid of the person we love is a challenge we are all sure to face at some point in life. However, we are sure that boundless love exists. But it takes effort and is not easy to achieve. It requires awareness, hard work, and emotion management. Below we explain what boundless love consists of, how it is maintained, and what its benefits are.

What is boundless love?

In this context, boundless love is love that breaks walls and overcomes difficulties, making moving forward together possible. It is healthy and intelligent love; one that makes all parties involved grow as individuals and see beyond a distance.

Such love can be understood in two different ways. As true love, which refers to a kind of love that lasts despite the fact that the person we love is in another place, as well as a mature love in which the difficulties that arise can be encountered.

So boundless love consists in learning to cope with what we cannot control. We must also do our best so that obstacles that come our way do not prevent us from loving another person. For example, even if we want to be close to each other, it just isn’t always possible. But that doesn’t mean that love couldn’t grow stronger.

Infinite love takes you through anything.

How to maintain it

While it is true that boundless love is not easy, there are some methods that can make this situation better. Let’s look at them a bit.

  • Self-knowledge. Knowing yourself is important to get an idea of ​​how to act in difficult situations. That way, it’s important to be aware of where you are and how you’re behaving so you can maintain boundless love.
  • Patience. This refers to tolerating adversity by force without being captivated by whims, as well as understanding that there are times when time will heal everything.
  • Learning to be independent. Love that leads to addiction is truly toxic. So that you don’t need another person, it’s important that you set aside time for yourself. Independence is important whether your partner lives in the same city as you or thousands of miles away.
  • Adopting one’s own decisions. This is about taking responsibility for what you think, feel and do. Don’t be afraid to accept your decisions and their potential consequences.
  • Creativity. If distance comes your way, why not consider something that can help you be closer to each other? There are many options, you just have to find one that makes you feel comfortable.
  • Expressing feelings and thoughts. Sometimes we lock ourselves in and don’t show what we feel or think. However, boundless love has the opposite effect. You don’t have to express yourself verbally 24/7, as there are other options for that. Dancing, exercise, and painting, for example, are activities that are closely related to the world of emotions.

However, you need to keep something important in mind. Unlimited love also has limits. Distance may keep you away, but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t hurt each other. Respect is everything in everything. Therefore, you should always be careful not to hurt anyone else or yourself.

In order to love another person in this way, you must first love yourself. Only by accepting yourself will you be able to create a healthy relationship with another person. To do this, you must learn to be in tune with another person through persuasive communication.

The girl sleeps on a heart pillow.

The benefits of boundless love

Consider the benefits of such love:

  • You will learn to better control your thoughts and feelings.
  • It becomes easier to control your actions.
  • You will be able to take better care of yourself.
  • You take responsibility for your decisions.
  • You improve your self-awareness.
  • You will achieve better harmony.
  • You increase endurance.
  • You add respect.
  • You improve your self-esteem.

As psychologist Walter Riso says, “Love is for the brave” . It is a flower that we must grab from the edge of the gorge. So don’t let it turn toxic. Let unlimited love make you find a different way to love: one where you get closer to yourself as well as others. Of course, you have to have the courage to get it and the perseverance to keep it, because you have to take care of it.

Boundless love is seeing from a distance. We need to be in tune with ourselves and the people we love. Such love is largely related to responsibility, affection, harmony, and understanding. So let’s start appreciating it right away.

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