What Can You Do For Yourself? Be Proactive

What can you do for yourself?  Be proactive

The problem for many of us is that we believe we will be happy when we reach a certain level in life. Unfortunately, it is a dangerous spiral to see one’s happiness only in the future and impose conditions on it. This carrot that we hang in front of our noses can – depending on how we manage it – be a great source of motivation or constant frustration. The question is: what can you do for yourself? How can you be proactive in your own life?

Think about how the present moment is the only sure moment. Right now there is life. Stop putting conditions on your happiness in the future and break those shackles of guilt that you have dragged with you from the past…  This is learning to live “here and now”. This is to give the present a chance and to be proactive about it.

Sometimes people say they haven’t “found themselves” yet. But “self” is not something that is found, but something that is created. There is only a small part of the universe that you can certainly improve (although sometimes you don’t know how to do it), and that part is you.

Be proactive and start creating your own happiness

When someone else makes you happy, somehow at the same time you underestimate your own ability to make yourself happy. Happiness often lies where we choose to look for it. If we are proactive and seek happiness within the possibilities we have, it is very likely that we will find it.

In life, you rarely “get” opportunities; you create them yourself. We can never be absolutely sure that something is working, but we know that in indifference, at least, gagging doesn’t work. We have everything we need right now to take the next step. So be proactive. Go look for those opportunities.

Instead of waiting for big things to happen – marriage, children, winning the lottery – you can invest your happiness in places that are closer, that come faster. By this we mean “little things” : enjoying a cup of coffee or a homemade meal, the joy of sharing the things you enjoy, enjoying moments together with friends or a partner.

Start by being yourself

Trying to be someone else is just a waste of the person you are. You can be yourself. Embrace the person inside you. Be the person you know you are; work on the best version of yourself, the version you’ve pushed aside for so long that it has become a useless stranger to you. You might even be afraid of it because it’s become so weird.

One of the biggest challenges for people who want to grow is to accept things they can’t change. Sometimes it is better to accept and adapt than to constantly revolve around a thing for which there is no solution.

As harsh and sad as it may sound, the world sets boundaries for us that we cannot always jump over or circumvent. It’s not that you should accept a mediocre life, but rather learn to love and appreciate things even when they’re not perfect, even yourself.

laughing woman

While many decide at some point in their lives to dedicate themselves to their careers, few continue to move forward after stumbling upon the first obstacles. Try to be the master of your choices and mistakes proactively, and don’t be afraid of reinforcements that can help you maintain your motivation,  as motivation is still the light and energy that takes you forward.

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