What Is Given Completely By Heart Multiplies

What is given completely by heart multiplies
Have you ever been filled with that sensational feeling that follows when someone has helped you with love and with all your heart, without expecting anything back? That feeling is certainly one of the most rewarding we can ever feel, because it makes us feel connected to others.

In the same way, the feeling that wipes over us when we have helped those in need without waiting for anything back is sometimes even better. Place according to your heart in everything you give to others; the reward will be much better than what you get if you are selfish.

Put your heart into everything you do

Giving wholeheartedly is a positive thing, not only for the person who receives it, but also for the one who gives. Giving without expecting to get something back to the same extent has positive consequences. One of the primary consequences is that we feel content about ourselves, which in turn raises our self-esteem and deepens our love for ourselves, giving us security as individuals.

hands together

When you do something for someone that is important to you, don’t do it in terms of the benefits you will get from it in the future, because it means that you are not doing it with all your heart but because you are just selfish. And in fact, reward is often, in its simplicity, the feeling when you feel you are giving something to someone else’s life.

In many cases, these people know how to appreciate what you have done for them and they will return the service in some way. We should act humbly and only by helping others will we become aware of the true value of life.

Be grateful for what others are doing for you

The benefits of placing our hearts in everything we give and what we do are also reflected in our ability to appreciate the effort that others see before us. We know this from the saying “gratitude is a sign of a noble soul” and in fact we don’t know how much the other person sacrifices to make our lives easier.

If we all stopped to think about what other people are doing to make our lives easier, it would be even harder for us not to appreciate those little little gestures and seemingly little deeds. There are things that partly remind us that  we need others just as much as they need us.

Don’t think that the reward has to be something materialistic because  being the cause of someone’s happiness, even if it’s just for a small moment, is a valuable feeling. And few things can be as fulfilling as that, at least in a rewarding and sustainable way. Think about it: isn’t it true that when we struggle to get something, we feel more proud of what we did on the way there than of the goal we have achieved?

The prize is higher if you don’t expect it 

Noticing both things really makes us more open to other people, and the French writer Flaubert has stated that “the heart is a form of wealth that cannot be bought or sold, but can be given a.” In this sense, the kind of counter-gift that someone can open their hearts to us or we can open our hearts without having to fear is something much more powerful and enduring than a material reward.

grow hearts

That’s why it’s good to be inspired by the people who are important to you because their interest is nothing more than your  well-being. Therefore, the goal is to give the best of ourselves and simply:  after that, we are valued for what we are, not for what we offer or what we have. This is the magic of how you will earn love and affection from others, including strong and genuine love and affection.

Don’t doubt this: put your heart into what you do. You will feel more satisfied and your reward will come back to you in multiples.

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