What Kind Of Stress Do You Suffer From?

What kind of stress do you suffer from?

Stress is a change in the normal functioning of the body. Stress arises in situations that require a lot from us. If we need to do better or at a higher level, for example, when preparing for experiments or piloting a large project, stress can enter the patterns.

Stress can be good at times when we need to focus on the task at hand. Stress can increase performance in the short term, but when it lasts for a long time, stress has a negative effect. Prolonged intense stress lowers performance. In this article, we will learn about different forms of stress.

When you recognize different forms of stress, you will be able to face your own stress in the best possible way. Do you recognize your own stress?


Eustress is a good quality, positive stress. It stimulates and motivates people to perform tasks with dignity and well, and it improves performance. Eustress kicks forward and fills a person with energy and vitality that may have been lost in the past.

In what situations is eustress useful? Positive stress, for example, helps in the middle of trial weeks when we know we need to study and work, but we can’t motivate ourselves to do it. Many people have to wait a few days before the start of experiments to be able to take advantage of the eustress that motivates them to study and focus: performance improves, even though studying a few days earlier seemed impossible.

Positive stress can increase creative capacity. If there is a large project going on that requires new ideas, eustress can help. Eustress increases the potential for new ideas to emerge. Often eustress stays away until the last minute and from a biological point of view, positive stress cannot be maintained for very long.


Eustress counterpart distress is negative stress. Distress is an uncomfortable condition that often occurs in situations where you feel threatened. Anxiety, panic and fear are symptoms of distress.

Distress can occur after losing a job, when a family member falls ill, after an accident… Distress occurs when something surprising and frightening happens without us being able to anticipate it at all. A change in your routine and what you have relied on in your life in the past can lead to negative stress.

Getting rid of distress can be really difficult. We need to fight it hard and we need to be strong enough to face it before it takes over. Negative stress can have serious health consequences. You may initially suffer from the flu, allergies, or rash, which get worse over time. Eventually, an excessive amount of stress can lead to more serious illnesses.


Hyper stress arises when we feel filled with an excessive amount of emotional sensations.  We are unable to process all emotions, and we feel overwhelmed by emotions.

In what situations does hyper stress arise? Often when we perform an activity that requires a lot of effort from us. Often in the workplace you can feel under great pressure, we give ourselves the latest rips of energy and end up feeling ragged and anxious, in this state even the smallest thing can explode.


Hypostress occurs when we are bored and completely lack motivation. This is a very different form of stress compared to others. Hypostress is not caused by too much pressure, but by a lack of pressure.

This stress often affects restless, creative people who have to perform repetitive, tedious tasks. They don’t enjoy doing the same activities and brainlessly working, lack of challenges causes malaise, frustration, and ultimately stress. A person may feel blocked and unable to do what he wants. In this state, the person becomes stressed. Hypostressed people need new experiences and challenging tasks where they are constantly learning new things.

These four different forms of stress can manifest purely alone, in different forms, or in combination with each other. A person can experience different types of stress depending on the life situation. Most of the time, however, we each suffer from one particular type of stress. Negative stress is a scourge of modern man that is known to lead to depression, mental health problems, and physical illness. Negative stress should be avoided as much as possible and stress management should be learned.

Do you suffer from some form of stress?

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