What Politicians Are Saying With Their Gestures

What politicians are saying with their gestures

Most politicians use clear verbal language. They use it to communicate with the people. When it comes to mass communication, gestures and nonverbal communication actually have a greater impact than the words themselves. 

When listening to politicians, most people do not have a good ability to concentrate. Yes, they remember the general message of the words of politicians. It is easier for us to focus on messages that are crystallized into slogans. In addition  , the image of the leader has a big impact. Communication experts from each party are wary of this. A politician’s dress, tone of voice, and facial expressions matter. Even the gestures of politicians lead to certain feelings.

Politicians are becoming more and more confused about entertainment. Television debates are crucial during elections in many different countries. The media has not had such a big impact on the vote in the past. And most citizens are firmly attached to traditions and emotions when it comes to political interference.

Scholars have noticed seven gestures that are common to those politicians who manage to gain the sympathy of the people. These manners also exist for other types of leaders, such as executives of large corporations or “TV influencers”. Scholars have picked up other gestures with secret messages. We will tell you more about these below.

Obama with his gestures

7 effective gestures used by politicians

People subconsciously associate with people who use certain gestures to show that they have power. This, of course, suits political leaders. Some politicians do this naturally, but others have to practice this until it becomes natural. Here are seven nonverbal forms of expression that people use:

  • They don’t frown. Relaxed eyebrows show power and control of the situation. It gives others a sense of self-confidence. The wrinkled forehead, on the other hand, shows tension and discomfort.
  • They look people in the eye. Or in the media directly to the camera. People tend to believe people who look directly into the eyes (or the camera).
  • Calm breathing. This is a sign of self-control and the persuasiveness of their words. This means they don’t stumble on their own words or breathe. This is a sign that they are keeping their “heads cold” or that they are thoughtful or intelligent.
  • Relaxed hands and fingers. Contrary to what many others think, hands in fists, pointing fingers, and other similar gestures suggest a lack of confidence. Relaxed hands, on the other hand, refer to intimacy and warmth.
  • No restless legs. This communicates strength, safety and straightforwardness.
  • Avoiding face contact. When someone sees someone else touching their face while giving a speech, this can be interpreted as meaning that the person is lying or confused.
  • Thoughtful and balanced greeting. People always talk about how trustworthy leaders always greet their followers kindly. If they are in front of several people, they look in every direction and blink.

Today, people assume political leaders to be like protective and trustworthy friends. The same is true of business leaders and anyone in a leading position.

Other revealing gestures

Politicians and leaders always create a visual impression by their nature. This is their first form of communication with their followers. With this visual impact, there are four areas that have a lot of influence: facial expressions, body language, dress, and cleanliness. All of these elements are part of nonverbal language and create a certain kind of “impression,” that is, they leave a mark on our perception.

When a person communicates a hidden message, there are elements of nonverbal language that reveal it. Here are some of them:

  • Excessive blinking of the eyes. Neurologically, this means that the person is thinking in his or her head about how to get rid of a particular situation because he or she feels trapped. This is a common gesture among politicians who need to talk about topics they don’t feel comfortable with.
  • Tense jaw muscles. This shows difficulty in saying things, or excessive stiffness in the lower part of his face. This also has to do with the fear that others will reveal what they think or feel about something.
  • Pausing a sentence to take a break. This gesture reveals fraudulent politicians. This means that there is a conflict between their words and thoughts. Poker players do this when trying to guess another player’s cards.

Politicians are using crowd psychology more and more to influence voters. It’s a subtle weapon, but a really powerful one. People sometimes use nonverbal language as a means of communication, and sometimes as a means of manipulation. By knowing how to interpret the body language of leaders, we are in a better position to control their influence on us. 

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