What Your Skin Tells You

What your skin tells you

It is said that the eyes are a mirror of the soul, but there is another part of the body that is just as important, having the power to show what is going on inside your body. We are talking about the skin, the largest organ of man, the shell that protects us from the outside world. The skin is closely connected to the nervous system and the functions of our other organs as well.

Skin is the external boundary that connects us to our environment. It also reveals what is happening in all of our internal organs. It displays physical signs that provide information for diagnoses of mental and physical illnesses.

As a skin expressing organ

The skin is the greatest indicator of many diseases. Reactions such as excessive sweating, pallor, and flushing, among many others, reveal anxiety, stress, fear, and tension.

From a psychosomatic perspective, the epidermis becomes translucent in situations of sadness and disappointment. Studies have shown that 80% of skin symptoms are the result of psychological considerations. In addition to their physical or mental causes, dermatologists associate skin injuries with a lack of emotional expression.

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Below we list some psychological factors associated with the manifestation of the following skin-related diseases:

  • Urticaria is associated with depression.  This skin-related injury is seen as an external expression of rejection and irritation.
  • Psoriasis is a manifestation of disappointment. In this disease, the epidermis begins to flake gradually, causing pain and becoming covered with shield-like dandruff.
  • Adult acne refers to exhaustion and stress.
  • Pruritus, or extreme itching, reveals anxiety and pain.
  • Baldness is in many cases a reaction to grief or severe loss of emotion.

A body that reflects emotions

The skin also communicates with us through symptoms that are  precursors to disease . Symptoms tell you that something is happening inside your body, both through the nature of the symptoms and the changes that come with it.  The skin acts as a protective shield against the world to which we are constantly exposed. It is our alarm system.

From an emotional perspective,  skin is related to our external assessment of ourselves . It represents the way people see themselves. It helps to connect with other people, but it can also be a way to isolate yourself. For example, we have all been paralyzed or affected by the characteristic features of the redness of embarrassment many times.

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Skin evaluates our interactions with our environment and other people, instantly reflecting our feelings. In situations where we experience anger, the skin turns red; in situations where we experience anxiety, it turns red; and in situations where we experience fear, it produces extra sweat.

The protective property of the skin is quite obvious, but its sensitive properties are just as important. It’s like a suit made to our measurements that reflects how we feel inside it every moment.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards life, reducing and eliminating stress are essential strategies to improve the health of your skin. Listening to your feelings , taking them into account instead of trying to deny them, can improve your well-being and have a direct impact on the appearance of your skin.

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