Why Drink A Glass Of Warm Lemon Water Every Morning?

Why drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning?

Drinking warm lemon water in the morning is a healthy habit. While it is not a miracle drink, this simple, natural medicine is good for our body and brain. It liquefies us. It gives us potassium. It is a source of vitamin C and we also benefit from its basic properties.

Much has been written about the benefits of warm lemon water. In fact, we can say that only a few other natural remedies are equally known. Certain sayings still remind us of natural medicine options, such as “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

So what is really true? Is lemon water as insane as we are told? The answer is no. Drinking lemon water does not cure anything. It doesn’t make us drop weight. It does not cure colds. It does not fade the signs of aging. But thanks to its trace elements, flavonoids and organic acids, it can promote a better internal balance.

It strengthens resistance and is good for a cardiovascular and neuroprotective agent. Actually, this mix should be part of our daily routine. It’s worth it.

woman drinking lemon water

What warm lemon water does to the brain

Citrus fruits, especially lemons, are good for brain health because they are high in flavonoids. The combination of water and lemon may be good overall, but it is especially good for improving blood circulation. Another interesting fact is that these natural substances reduce the chance of stroke. The Boston Nutrition Center and other institutions have proven this information true in many different studies.

Second, we must not forget that the lemon is full of potassium. This mineral nourishes and promotes nerve cell function. If we drink a glass of warm lemon water in the mornings, many of our cognitive processes develop.

Thaw and absorb nutrients properly

This can be a little uncomfortable at first. When we wake up in the morning, we want coffee and maybe something sweet, milk, toast… So thinking about lemon water in the morning might make us grimace with disgust. But in the longer term, we will see its benefits and then be able to appreciate it.

It is worth it above all because our digestion is evolving. Drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach is essential. If we don’t have stomach ulcers or other health problems, warm water relaxes the abdominal muscles. This facilitates the removal of toxins from the gut.

Second, it promotes a cleaner internal “climate” by facilitating the absorption of nutrients. With a more hydrated and alkaline digestive system, our bodies use the nutrients in our breakfast more efficiently.

immune system

Stronger immune system

We pointed out at the beginning of the article that drinking warm lemon water in the morning does not cure diseases. But it does strengthen resistance to viruses and bacteria. Although the concentration of lemon in the water is not very high, we collect nutrients from it on a daily basis.

Not only does lemon have a high vitamin C content, but its flesh and skin contain B vitamins and numerous other minerals. Therefore, this little effort in the mornings is worth it. Our resilience thanks us.

Reduces stress

This information is interesting. Studies a few years ago show that vitamin C lowers stress. As we know, vitamin C supplements are sold in pharmacies. Many people who buy these supplements don’t know that they are doing something more than just strengthening their immune system.

Vitamin C lowers blood cortisol levels. This helps us to be more relaxed and focused. Therefore, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach is once again like a gift to our brains. This costs little, it is simple, and we will see its effects.

chemical formula of cortisol

Finally, it is pertinent to point out a small point. Each person has their own tolerance to citrus fruits. The ideal mixture would be to combine a glass of water and half a lemon. You also need to be sure that the lemon is organic. In this way, we are sure that it contains all these vitamins and properties and nothing extra.

But if it feels like this amount is too much, the amount can always be dropped. Sometimes just a slice can be useful. It is important to stay consistent and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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