Why Is It A Mistake To Use Corporal Punishment On Children?

Why is it a mistake to use corporal punishment on children?

Corporal punishment has devastating effects on a child’s development. While this may sometimes seem like the easiest way to deal with a child’s disobedience, hitting is never the best solution. It may be effective at first and may seem convenient, but this is only because such a solution requires no thinking at all.

But there is always a better option. There is a way to raise a child that, despite the extra effort it requires, is far more beneficial in the long run.

What is corporal punishment?

Unfortunately, some parents still believe this old saying to be true:  “whoever jokes saves his child from anger” . But every blow leaves a mark that does more harm than good. It creates something in children that is far more like fear than the desire to behave well. Disciplining children through corporal punishment slows their development.

When we talk about corporal punishment, we mean pushing, shaking, pinching, and slapping .  Such behaviors may prevent certain types of behavior, but they do not explain in what way the punishable behavior in question is wrong – it only links this act in their minds to punishment.

boy and corporal punishment

Logically, corporal punishment only encourages behavior we do not hope our children will manifest. We already know that children tend to imitate what they see. Thus,  if they see physical aggression in their daily lives, they will believe it is acceptable to beat others.

If we love our little ones and they realize this love, but still beat them when they behave badly or fail to understand something, they will think that beating is part of love. They will develop an understanding that intimidation and violence are acceptable ways to love.  For, after all, adults know just about everything – at least in the eyes of a child.

The consequences of corporal punishment in a child’s life

As we can observe, corporal punishment does little more than end the momentary termination of a particular conduct.  However, the negative consequences it can have can be very serious, especially in the long run. If we add more factors to the palette, such as shouting, emotional problems will multiply even more. That is why it is so vital to keep these consequences in mind:

  • Hitting a child prevents the development of healthy independence and initiative. It makes solving problems and loving himself harder for him. This is how it leads to low self-esteem.
  • Hitting also limits a child’s intelligence as he or she grows up.  Corporal punishment severely disrupts the learning process.
  • In addition,  it causes problems in family relationships.  This affects the child socially and emotionally.
  • Corporal punishment can make a child feel rejected, sad, and lonely. He will feel unworthy and unnecessary.
  • The child’s worldview eventually becomes gloomy, negative, and threatening. He will experience as if he had no space in the world.
  • The child may get angry to an eyeless degree  and begin to experience the urge to run away from home.

How to punish a child without relying on violence

Of course, we know that punishing children is not always easy. This is normal; they have their own personalities and they want to express themselves. However, violence is never the answer. When children are very young, you can’t make sense with them.  But they should start embracing the rules and norms of the home at a very early stage.

There are many options and ways for corporal punishment to promote a healthy home environment. For example, you can use positive confirmation to help. Reward good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior.  By teaching children which behaviors are correct, you are communicating which ones are not. Herein lies the power of positive reinforcement.

son and father overweight

As parents, we should try to keep our minds cool. Indeed, most corporal punishment is a whim rather than a deliberate method of upbringing.  In fact, many parents don’t want to hit their child, but after doing so, they justify their actions after it happens.

This is a controversial topic, but our children deserve better.

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