You Deserve The Love You Give To Other People

You deserve the love you give to other people

You deserve the love you always give to other people. You deserve the same amount of sincere, selfless and genuine love. But what you get from other people doesn’t always match what you give. It is not always as strong or as genuine. Life is not like a boomerang: what you give does not always come back. You still don’t give up and stop giving people the best of yourself.

Almost everyone has been told at some point that if you want to be the interesting guy in people’s eyes, you have to do “nice” things for them. So you start with a behavior-based model full of all sorts of little details, services, recommendations, gifts, flattery and so on… You know that love comes from attention, but there are times when you go beyond your own boundaries.

The world is full of people who give endlessly. There are so many people who don’t realize the massive price of offering their entire soul without receiving anything in return. They are people who dedicate themselves to others with each of their cells. They do so thinking that it is more than just a valuable investment: it is the purpose of life. But when it comes to love, making extreme sacrifices is not always a good thing. It has consequences and can seriously affect your mental health.

woman and bloody moon

You deserve true love, not any cheap substitute

When you take care of something, it thrives. Plants are a good example of how true this is. See what happens when you put them in sunlight, feed them, remove their old leaves, and move them to a bigger pot so they can spread their roots. Attention, concern, and love will make you grow in every sense of the word and in every direction. Just as a gardener takes care of his plants, we  must not forget to take care of a gardener. He also needs attention and care. It’s a small detail that many of us forget.

There are people who have gone through decades giving their radiant love. They share with people their attention and feelings that don’t always get back with the same positive energy. One way or another, they are people who have accepted secondary love. It’s a cheap substitute that doesn’t help you succeed, in fact, it poisons you. It doesn’t stop these people from doing what they do every day. You may be asking yourself right now why they do that or why people get stuck in one-sided relationships. The answer is much more complicated than you might think.

The reason for such a pattern of behavior

You could say it’s just a lack of confidence, but it’s about something more. When these people go into therapy, the expert first notices how their internal dialogue is going. When they are asked to tell about themselves and who they are, they say things like, “I am the middle child of three siblings. You know how hard it can be, no one pays any attention to you ”. Another says, “I’m a sales person. I had to start working right away and couldn’t go to school. I had to give up many of my dreams… ”.

sad looking man

Some lives have been cut short.  They drift into relationships that don’t bring them happiness. They see the relationship as worthy just because they don’t think they can get anything better. In their minds, life has always put them in second place, so they take whatever they happen to get.

There is one thing that really stands out from the crowd in all of these cases. These people are able to give the people in their lives all that they have. Giving love and attention is the best they have to offer. It’s their greatest asset and if they didn’t give their all, they would feel even more frustrating.

Give yourself what you need

You deserve the love you give to other people. Don’t consider it selfish, it’s an act of personal honesty and dignity. You have been the only gardener or architect in human relationships for so long that you have laid the foundation for it. You’ve built every part of your relationships and you’re also the one who makes sure the roof doesn’t drip on you. You are the only one who makes sure that love stays safe and secure. But you’re stuck outside, and the cold is starting to feel.

You deserve the love you’ve always dreamed of, but you don’t have it right now. As we said earlier, life is not like a boomerang: you don’t always get back what you give. Many times the boomerang stops halfway through or does not return. So stop throwing it. Stop waiting for people to give something they don’t want to give. Stop investing your energy in something that will only bring you a loss, not a profit.

boomerang throwing

You deserve the kind of love that doesn’t hurt, the kind that complements you and helps you grow.  You should be demanding and feel you deserve it. There is no better way to do it than to change your strategy. Stop being a “giver” and become a recipient. You are already an expert in giving awesome love that makes people feel worthy and important, so start receiving that love too. Strengthen yourself, soak up your inner garden and chase the dreams you gave up one day. Don’t settle for and throw away all that rusty approval. Liberate yourself, and then seek yourself.

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