Your Caress Restores The Energy Of My Soul

Your caress will restore the energy of my soul

Caressing a loved one has the ability to restore the energy of our souls. It’s like the warm noise of the sea that creates pleasant sensations in our bodies, suppressing our fears, bridging the gaps of hidden uncertainties, breaking down barriers and bringing us together. The fact is that there are caresses that can heal, and wise hands that can caress the skin to reach the soul.

Above all, the skill of caressing requires being a good emotional artisan. For whether we believe it or not, the music of the senses and pleasure comes from the brain. Our brains tell us who has the right to caress us and what caresses bring us more well-being.

The caresses, hugs and gazes of the people we love are as essential to our lives as the roots of the tree. Without them, we would slowly wither away. An interesting thing to keep in mind is that our DNA seems to have a coded need for physical contact to survive as a species. For example, a newborn cannot grow up in a healthy way if he or she is not relaxed, hugged, and hugged. We, as adults, need these loving gestures to strengthen our bond with our loved ones.

Caressing is not just about giving physical pleasure. It is an indication of the bonding and belonging together, a bond that is formed through the senses to give a sense of security to our brains. This is definitely worth considering.

the caressing skill is amazing

Your brain needs daily pampering

In a very interesting article published by Psychology Today , love was defined very succinctly: it is the search for a safe and enriching connection with another person. Through this connection, people mentally connect together to nourish themselves, calm their fears, and protect each other.

Everyone has had this need since birth to build safe and stable relationships where feelings are clearly expressed through expressions of love. Here, caressing is always seen as a kind of very effective language that is able to transcend mere words as it penetrates the skin and the senses. In this way, the bandage strengthens, and our brains give us a sheer dose of endorphins.

So what happens at the nervous system level if we don’t get caresses or physical contact from our loved ones? It can be summarized in two very clear points:

  • When emotions are not expressed, when a partner does not receive expressions of love, caresses or hugs, there is a “disconnection” and the brain goes into a kind of panic.
  • This lack of connection, due to a lack of physical contact and gentle words, creates loneliness and thus a complex stress situation that the mind first understands as a threat. Lack of human contact is understood as not confirming love. It is a deep vacuum in the soul that creates a stressful situation in the brain.
two hands in the water

The skill of caressing

The brain is the guard who transmits the pleasure brought by human contact and longs for it in his daily meal. It’s not enough to just “touch”; it is necessary to know how to seduce and strengthen the bond, for the touch that creates well-being, pleasure, and security must come from a person who means a lot to us and who is a good artisan of emotional life.

Sometimes when we caress our skin, we also try to caress the desire that arouses our own desire in another person. The skin is like a minefield connected through five million nerve endings. This is a fascinating fact as it opens up a whole new map to explore, consider and activate. We are sure that you would like to know what these mechanisms are, which are capable of creating the most pleasant caresses, the ones that refresh our souls.

the woman has flowers on her back

Our fascinating skin map that connects to our feelings

The brain responds to human contact in an amazing way. It is something so pure, instinctive, and almost magical that it makes us realize as a child that when someone cries, they can be comforted by hugs. Worries are dispelled by caressing and clapping on the shoulder or back gives us intimacy and encouragement.

According to an article in the Journal of Neuroscience , caressing is like music to the brain, and depending on who provides it and in what situation, it always triggers some emotion.

The most pleasant caresses between lovers are those given at a distance of 1.3-10 cm per second. This is a subtle and complete level that activates so-called “mechanoreceptors” that send a resonant message to the brain: a message of pleasure.

Through the brain, we “get in touch” with other people through touch. Caressing is also a psychic observer of fear, desire, or grief. The reason for this is the brain island, the deep region of the brain, and the key to the psychic world.

All in all, this is a fascinating topic that reminds us of the importance of practicing this “science” on a daily basis that does not require a degree. Mastering the skill of caressing is something that is always at our fingertips.

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